Your Three Dragons Reading

Scroll down to learn the influence of each Mahjong Tile.

  The Red Dragon


The Green Dragon


The White Dragon



The Red Dragon represents success, achievement and fulfillment. The three tiles under the Red Dragon tile will influence the power your Red Dragon currently has in your life.


Circles 4
Symbol: Jade

The Jade tile indicates hard work resulting in spectacular results. Jade is thought to be an "immortal stone" to many. Therefore is also denotes longevity of relationships, life and principled values.



Wan 1
Symbol: Entering

The Entering tile indicates that barriers you now face will soon be lifted. Opportunity and success are ahead, but you must have the courage and energy to take advantage of them.



Symbol: The Farmer

The Farmer represents rewards gained through hard work and faith in oneself. He harvests riches from the planting and nurturing of his crops.

The Green Dragon indicates beginnings. The Green Dragon's tile set will suggest places where you should consider putting your energy.


Wan 4
Symbol: Lute

The Lute tile indicates a need for relaxation?a break from the stress of your everyday life. For people nearing the end of their career it may suggest that the time for them to retire has come.



Symbol: The Fisherman

The tile of The Fisherman suggests success can be attained through the application of common sense and careful management of your time and relationships. The Fisherman is thorough and patient. He knows that while his efforts will be rewarded as long as he does not give up.



Circles 8
Symbol: White Tiger

The White Tiger tile is epitomizes masculinity in its purest form. The male represented by the White Tiger is brave and assertive. He will fight to protect what he feels is right.

The White Dragon is indeed a wily fellow. His domain is the great unknown, and the tile set under him suggests an area or areas that could affect your life in unexpected ways.


Circles 5
Symbol: Dragon

The Dragon tile indicates good luck and large fortunes. Effort is not a prerequisite for the gain suggested by the Dragon tile. You cannot work towards acquiring the Dragon's gifts. They will come when they come, and will most likely be a surprise.



Bamboo 1
Symbol: Peacock

This is the first tile of the first suit in a Mahjong set. Overall, it represents success. However it also warns that success sometimes turns to arrogance, which can lead to loss of everything that has been gained. The Peacock tile also suggests a change in your life path is forthcoming.



Bamboo 7
Symbol: Tortoise

The Tortoise tile suggests impatience with the time certain aspects are taking to play themselves out. It is likely any open issues you may have will need extra attention and patience to resolve properly. The Tortoise also symbolizes long life.