Your Relationship Reading
This reading concentrates on the dynamics of your relationship with another person. The other person may be a mate, or business partner, or even an enemy.
Scroll down to learn the influence of each Mahjong Tile.
Your Shared Path

Your Path's Goal
Their Path's Goal

That Which Will Influence You
That Which Will Influence Them

That Which Influences You
That Which Influences Them

Your Past Influence
Their Past Influence

Your Shared Path

Circles 9
Symbol: Unicorn
The Unicorn tile indicates a clear vision of the future and the ability to see people for who the really are. In rare cases the Unicorn tile may suggest a person with psychic powers.



Your Path's Goal

Circles 7
Symbol: Insect
The Insect tile indicates short-term gain through a short flurry of hectic work. It is important to realize that the gains the Insect tile offers are not lasting, or of long-term importance. At best they are a stopgap until more substantial goals come along.



Their Path's Goal

Circles 5
Symbol: Dragon
The Dragon tile indicates good luck and large fortunes. Effort is not a prerequisite for the gain suggested by the Dragon tile. You cannot work towards acquiring the Dragon's gifts. They will come when they come, and will most likely be a surprise.



That Which Will Influence You

Wan 1
Symbol: Entering
The Entering tile indicates that barriers you now face will soon be lifted. Opportunity and success are ahead, but you must have the courage and energy to take advantage of them.



That Which Will Influence Them

Bamboo 4
Symbol: Carp
The Carp tile indicates the attainment of inner-peace, tranquility, and freedom from the pressures of everyday life. Contentment will be realized. The Carp's vibrant colors suggest a rich life. This may mean the coming of material and/or spiritual wealth.



That Which Influences You

Bamboo 1
Symbol: Peacock
This is the first tile of the first suit in a Mahjong set. Overall, it represents success. However it also warns that success sometimes turns to arrogance, which can lead to loss of everything that has been gained. The Peacock tile also suggests a change in your life path is forthcoming.



That Which Influences Them

Symbol: Scholarship
The Bamboo tile indicates an adaptable, useful spirit. The Bamboo tile is also associated with scholarly pursuits.



Your Past Influence

Wan 2
Symbol: Sword
The Sword tile indicates a decision must be made before attainment of your goals can be reached.



Their Past Influence

Symbol: Pleasure
The Chrysanthemum tile indicates you will enjoy a happy time filled with social activities and leisurely moments untainted by the demands of everyday life.