Attaining Your Goals Reading
Use this reading to assist in reaching, or possibly even defining your goals for the future.
Scroll down to learn the influence of each Mahjong Tile.

Issues to Address


Issues to Address

Primary Strength

Primary Weakness


Bamboo 8
Symbol: Mushroom

The Mushroom tile represents eternal life and oddity. It gets these attributes from the fact that mushrooms in nature always seem to regenerate and often popup where they are unexpected. The notion of oddity is derived from the mushroom seemingly having the nature of a plant, but lacking leaves. The Mushroom tile foretells the coming of unexpected events that will have a lasting impact on you.



Issues to Address

Wan 6
Symbol: Fire

The Fire tile is a strong warning that something is wrong or out of balance. The Fire tile is a warning. Your resources are in jeopardy. These endangered resources may be financial or spiritual or physical. In fact, resources of all types may be in danger.




West Wind
Symbol: Metal

The West Wind tile represents an obstacle that must be faced before you can make progress towards your goals. This obstacle may be anything from a person to needing to find work.



Issues to Address

Symbol: The Woodcutter

The Woodcutter employs three of the 5 elements central to Chinese philosophy: Fire, Wood and Metal. He is ambitious and full of drive and energy. He represents gain and success through dedicated work.



Primary Strength

Circles 8
Symbol: White Tiger

The White Tiger tile is epitomizes masculinity in its purest form. The male represented by the White Tiger is brave and assertive. He will fight to protect what he feels is right.



Primary Weakness

Bamboo 9
Symbol: Willow Tree

The Willow Tree tile represents adaptability and survival in the face of harsh conditions. The Willow bends before the bitter winter winds, but does not break. The Willow tile suggests compromise. You must be willing to give some to get some.