The Four Courses
The Four Courses reading presents possible paths for the querent to take to reach a more complete state of being. While all paths may offer a degree of fulfillment, usually one will be more fruitful than the others. The trick of course, is to pick the one that will bring most beneficial results.
Scroll down to learn the influence of each Mahjong Tile.
Northern Course

Western Course

Your Current State

Eastern Course
Southern Course

Your Current State

Circles 6
Symbol: Peach

The Peach tile represents the female spirit in its purest form. Where the Peach tile appears it is likely a woman or possibly a young girl will play an important role in outcome of your reading.



Northern Course

Wan 4
Symbol: Lute

The Lute tile indicates a need for relaxation?a break from the stress of your everyday life. For people nearing the end of their career it may suggest that the time for them to retire has come.



Eastern Course

Wan 2
Symbol: Sword

The Sword tile indicates a decision must be made before attainment of your goals can be reached.



Southern Course

West Wind
Symbol: Metal

The West Wind tile represents an obstacle that must be faced before you can make progress towards your goals. This obstacle may be anything from a person to needing to find work.



Western Course

Symbol: Pleasure

The Chrysanthemum tile indicates you will enjoy a happy time filled with social activities and leisurely moments untainted by the demands of everyday life.