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Vata - February

Author: Lissa Coffey
Hang in there, Vata season is almost over – you will be warm again! Meanwhile, focus on romance this month. You love to be spontaneous, but don't wait until the last minute to plan something for Valentine's Day, or it might not wind up as romantic as you had hoped! Write a poem, or a song, or paint a beautiful picture - your creativity is where you excel, and that is sure to win your lover's heart.

Pitta - February

Author: Lissa Coffey
This is prime time to enjoy the winter sports season! Go skiing or snowboarding, anything that will get you out in the crisp cool air and away from your computer screen for awhile. It's good to connect with nature - so leave seeds out for the birds and enjoy their sweet songs. Maybe your sweetie will get you binoculars for Valentine's so you can birdwatch and identify the varieties. Pittas love visual stimulation!

Kapha - February

Author: Lissa Coffey
Sweet, sentimental Kapha. How lucky your Valentine is! Be careful not to overindulge on that big box of chocolates you are likely to receive. Focus instead on other sensual pleasure - an aromatic bubble bath, for example. And make sure you get out of the house this month, go out to celebrate for a change rather than staying in and cooking once again.