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Ayurveda is the 5,000 year old “Science of Life” from India. It is the art of living in harmony with nature. Ayurveda gives us tools for living that we can apply to every aspect of our lives. We start by knowing our dosha, or Ayurveda mind & body type. Take the dosha quiz to determine your dosha, and then come back to read some of these articles. The dosha quiz is easy, and fun! Once you know your dosha, or Ayurveda mind & body type, you’ll know so much more about yourself! And isn’t that what life is all about? Self knowledge, self discovery. Whether you are a Vata, a Pitta or a Kapha, you will find valuable information about diet, exercise, and lifestyle recommendations. You can use your newfound knowledge to improve your relationships, your parenting skills, and to help find your best career path.

Looking for more information Ayurveda Resources?


Ayurveda Tip:

Kapha types are most sensitive to taste and smell.