The Oscars Part 2
So far so good… I’m pretty much batting 1000% with my predictions – except I thought Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride would win over Wallace and Gromit. I am absolutely HATING that they’re playing music over the acceptance speeches. Way too distracting, and just plain annoying. The tradition is typically that last year’s actor winner presents the next year in that category – The 2005 supporting actress would present the 2006 supporting actor for example. But Cate Blanchett won last year for “Cold Mountain” and this year Nicole Kidman presented in that category. So I don’t know if Cate wasn’t available – or if she declined, but she’s no where to be seen. Oh, Lauren Bacall looks beautiful, and she is a legend, that’s for sure. But she’s having difficulty with the teleprompter… she’s stumbling. How cute was George Clooney’s acceptance speech for his supporting actor award? That guy is just so natural and charming… and with 3 nominations, I think he can pretty much do anything. I think Michelle Williams is going to be a big deal – she looks gorgeous! Strong actress, gorgeous fiance… she’s happy and fulfilled and I can’t wait to see what she does next. Next big actor – Terence Howard – he is HOT!!!! Watch what he does next. Interesting that Nicole left her escort, rumored fiance Keith Urban, behind on the red carpet, but that sure looks like him sitting next to her! And she’s got Jamie Foxx on her other side, nice company! Funny political ads campaigning for Best Actress from Jon Stewart. I knew it’d get political, this was a clever way to get it. Oh, here’s Charlize Theron… she’s stunning. Not crazy about this dress on her, though – or the hair… too big. The whole thing is just a little too much. Aren’t we all so glad March of the Penguins won? I loved it!!! They guys are so cute with their penguins up there. Here’s Jennifer Lopez – dressed pretty sedate compared with past award ceremonies. Nice! Saw her in the audience earlier with her husband Marc Anthony. She introduced one of the best song nominees – The song that was in Crash – the song is great… but what is with this set going on behind the singer? Like scenes from the movie… in slo mo… really bad – the ar on fire in the background owuld have been enough – all the people miming through is just weird. I loved the movie, by the way. I really like the set this year – especially the marquee over the stage – very cool!