07 Dec

The More You Give, the More You Get

Susan Sherayko
Susan Sherayko is a spiritual life coach, author of Rainbows Over Ruins, Executive in Charge of Production and Emmy nominated Line Producer for “Home and Family” on Hallmark Channel. Susan also produces a podcast, "Rebuilding Your Life: Moving from Disaster to Prosperity" that guides people through a process that enabled her to rebuild after a landslide. When not writing and producing, Susan lives on a 5 acre ranch with her husband, horses and dogs. To learn more, visit: the Hay House Online Catalog, Amazon.com or Balboa Press. http://bookstore.balboapress.com/Products/SKU-000627602/Rainbows-Over-Ruins.aspx

all the focus we’ve just had on gratitude this past month, I feel a sense of
completion as we extend our gratitude through our acts of giving to others
during the seasons of light in December. 
Although the calendar dates vary, there has been a celebration of
victory of inner light over spiritual darkness and the return of the light
after the winter solstice since well into ancient times.  Humanity as a whole is grateful for the Light
and expresses itself in celebrations complete with candles and gifts.

                So it
feels appropriate that the motivational voices appearing around me in the last
couple weeks should be those that encourage acts of giving.  I’ve heard John Assaraf use the phrase “the
more you give, the more you get” several times. 
We’ve have been honored to have Tony Robbins on the show to speak about
his new book.  He shared a story with us
of a time when he only had $20 to his name. 
He saw a young boy who wanted nothing more than to buy his mother lunch
but had no money to do so.  Tony had just
purchased his own lunch and was moved to give his change to the lad. Although
he had no cash left, at that moment Robbins said that he knew the feeling of
true wealth. 

                We also
had the opportunity to give a gift on the show – not of the monetary sort but
of fulfilling someone’s wishes.  Nick
Vujicic brought us such positive feelings when he visited us.  Afterward, we learned that he and his wife
had wanted to have Richie Sambora play at their wedding, but it had not been
possible.  Richie was scheduled to play
for us on the very next day so we invited Nick to return as part of our
audience.  He did.  To watch the joy that registered on his face
while the music played, and observe the interaction between them after the show
brought chills and goose bumps.  Truly,
there are many ways to give.

about the variety of films and programs that populate our air waves at this
time of year; the books and charitable events. 
There is a common theme.  Those
who have done well put aside their positions of station to share with others
less fortunate.   Like the girls in Little Women, baskets of food are taken
to those in need.  Celebrities mingle
with the masses as they man the food lines and serve others.  They travel around the world to entertain our
military forces who must be separated from their loved ones while giving their
service over the holidays. We reach into our pockets to give to Toys for Tots,
and into our closets for other service organizations providing essentials to
those in need.  We share a bit of our
abundance with those who have less.

                Yet it
isn’t just about money.  We also give of
our time and energy in order to visit the shut-ins and lonely, bringing our
well wishes, helping to write a card to a friend, singing songs at homes for
the elderly, volunteering our time and knitting socks, gloves and even blankets
for lost pets in shelters.  Is it even
possible to place a value on so much love being released for the benefit of
others? Yes, love. Love without limits that expands as it extends one to
another, love that moves us to set aside war for a single evening of peace and
giving.  It is love that is given with no
expectation of return, except the feeling of the deepening and growing love we
feel within ourselves. 

the more you give, you more you get.  May
your heart resonate with the love around you and radiate even more.  Pay it forward.  Pray it forward.  May we each know the joy of seeing angels
among us this holiday season.

                Wishing you Holy Day joy,


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