31 Aug

Tapping Therapy

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

I recently saw Paul McKenna on a talk show.  Paul is very popular in the UK, and he has come up with an interesting system that combines hypnosis with “tapping.”  I’m certified in hypnotherapy, but I hadn’t heard of this “tapping therapy” before, so I did some research.  Tapping is also known as the Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT.  It uses the same principles as are applied in Chinese acupuncture to help address emotions, usually harmful emotions, that can cause ancillary problems in your life – like fear, phobias, anger, frustration, weight gain, stress, insomnia, just about anything!  Basically, the simple technique involves tapping certain meridian points on the face, body, and hands to access the emotional memories of the body.  The physical touch, and at the same time allowing the negative feelings to come up, helps the release of built-up negative energy.  When the negative energy is released, positive energy and emotions can be then implemented.  Tapping has been used to address many issues, as well as to enhance performance in business, sports and finance.  This technique is available to everyone, and requires no special equipment.  You can easily teach yourself how to do this by reading a book!  Here’s one that I found to be helpful:

The Tapping Cure


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