Summer Reading
I seem to have more time to read in the summer. Whether it’s on a plane, or at the beach, it’s nice to have a book to get lost in. I have so many books in my bookshelves, I seem to be more ambitious than I have time for! I came across an old favorite, “To Kill a Mockingbird.”My son Brian read it last year in his high school English class. I remember reading it in high school, too. The copy I have is a hardcover one from my mother, dated 1960, and it says it’s the“23rd impression.” This was the only novel that Harper Lee wrote, and she won the Pulitzer Prize for it. I don’¢t know how many editions there have been since then, or how many total books have been sold. But I do know that I’ll be reading this book again this summer, and loving it even more after all these years.
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Lissa Coffey is an author, media personality, and the founder of (Reprinted with permission Copyright © Bamboo Entertainment, Inc.)