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Stress Quiz

In 1967, Dr. Thomas H. Holmes and Dr. Richard H. Rahe developed a do-it-yourself stress test called the "Social Readjustment Rating Scale."

Check the box next to  every experience that  you have had in the last 12 months and then at the bottom click the tab to total the points.

Death of a spouse...............................................................
Marital separation...............................................................
Detention in jail or other institution.......................................
Death of a close family member.............................................
Major personal injury or illness..............................................
Fired from work.................................................................
Marital reconciliation...........................................................
Change in health or behavior of family member.........................
Sex difficulties...................................................................
Gain of new family member through birth, adoption, or marriage...
Major business readjustment.................................................
Change of financial state......................................................
Death of a close friend.........................................................
Change to a different line of work..........................................
Change in number of arguments with partner............................
Taking on a new mortgage....................................................
Foreclosure on a mortgage or loan..........................................
Change in responsibilities.....................................................
Son/Daughter leaves home....................................................
Trouble with in-laws...........................................................
Outstanding personal achievement.........................................
Partner begins/stops work....................................................
Starting or finishing school....................................................
Change in living conditions....................................................
Revision of personal habits....................................................
Trouble with boss...............................................................
Change in working hours or conditions.....................................
Change in residence............................................................
Change in schools...............................................................
Change in recreational habits................................................
Change in church activities...................................................
Change in social activities.....................................................
Major purchase such as a new car...........................................
Change in sleeping habits......................................................
Change in number of family gatherings.....................................
Change in eating habits........................................................
Christmas or holiday observance............................................
Minor violation of the law.....................................................

Holmes and Rahe consider a score of less than 150 to be minor stress.
A score of score 150-199 indicates mild stress.
A score of 200-299 indicates moderate stress.
A score over 300 indicates major stress.

It is estimated that those with a score below 150 have a 35% greater chance of experiencing an illness or accident within the next two years.
Those with a score between 150 and 300 have a 51% greater chance.
Those with a score over 300 have an 80% greater chance of experiencing a significant illness or accident.

Although you might not have any control over the stressful events in your life, you do have control over your response to these events and the effect that they have on your life.  The negative effects of stress can be reduced by such things as getting enough rest, exercise, meditation, proper nutrition, and spending time in nature.