13 Nov

Solutions in positive questions

Susan Sherayko
Susan Sherayko is a spiritual life coach, author of Rainbows Over Ruins, Executive in Charge of Production and Emmy nominated Line Producer for “Home and Family” on Hallmark Channel. Susan also produces a podcast, "Rebuilding Your Life: Moving from Disaster to Prosperity" that guides people through a process that enabled her to rebuild after a landslide. When not writing and producing, Susan lives on a 5 acre ranch with her husband, horses and dogs. To learn more, visit: the Hay House Online Catalog, Amazon.com or Balboa Press. http://bookstore.balboapress.com/Products/SKU-000627602/Rainbows-Over-Ruins.aspx

A few years after the landslide destroyed our home, I was in a financial mess. Sure, we had moved into our new ranch and I was able to see that we had taken a series of actions that naturally led to the right results. I had also taken training for the opportunity to help others get back on their feet. During those courses, we learned the importance of the right mindset, but I personally had not realized the best way to attain it. One question kept nagging me: How can I teach others if I cannot consciously do it myself? I found myself desperately seeking solutions. It was a feeling of being physically stuck. During one of those down moments, while sharing with a friend, I asked ‘what if I could hear voices that would tell me the answers?’ At the time, I didn’t know to find solutions in positive questions like why and what if. But I was about to find out. An amazing thing happened.

Two hours later, while listening to an online audio program, I heard Noah St. John talk about the power of Afformations and I learned that they are positive Why questions that activate the subconscious mind to utilize one of its very powerful roles as a universal search engine. As you ask, you receive solutions that help you face crises, improve your life, and achieve your goals.

In many ways, that’s a scientific description of what many people call prayer. In prayer, you ask a power greater than yourself for guidance and assistance either for yourself or for others.

In quantum physics, scientists like Amit Goswami have become aware of a field that is not past, present or future. It is what remains when time and space are removed from the equation. In that remnant we find a power greater than ourselves in quantum consciousness, power and creativity. And we can gain access to that creative power when we center and tune into our subconscious (or nonconscious) mind through prayer, meditation or even asking questions. Ask a positive question and positive answers return to you.  You find your solutions in positive questions.amit-goswami

According to quantum physics, this creative asking has four stages:
• See what you want and focus on it; concentrate on what is needed to achieve it; ask positive questions; then let it go.
• The subconscious mind processes the question and,
• When a solution is identified, it collapses to the tangible level for the questioner who experiences it as an insight or intuition. This is often called an “A-ha Moment.”
• Finally, the thinker turns that insight into positive actions.

We do not know how or when we will get a response. It can take some time—or happen in the blink of an eye. The key is to hold your focus on what you want and keep asking those positive questions until you get an answer that reveals a solution. Ask and it is given. You will find your solutions in positive questions. Be open to receive from unexpected places. You can do it.

I believe in you,


If you are enjoying tips like these, “Your Survivor’s Guide: 12 Tips to Gain Inner Peace” for free at www.GiftFromSusan.com.

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