I was born in the middle of America. My mother was of Cherokee descent and my father, a flaming Irishman. I can remember always “knowing” things, even as child. It was confusing for me, because I found that many things around me just didn’t seem to “fit”. I would frequently find myself wondering why my parents did or believed certain things.
When I was 3 1/2 years old we lived on the island of Adak for about a year and a half. At the time, Adak was a Navy island located in the Aleutian chain off the coast of Alaska. It’s truly the middle of nowhere, about 700-800 miles from the tip of Russia. It’s wet, cold, strange and mysterious and the earth quakes up to 14 times a week. Its silence is deafening. It’s a place where you can see forever. I believe that my inner soul began its journey on that island.
My early years were fraught with insecurity and wandering, trying to find the real me along with deeper more important connections that I knew had to be there. What a very long journey that has been.
Those insecure years made me search for more answers. There is an answer for everything in the Universe. It may take time to find it, but it is there.
Through study and meditation I began to realize that my inner self had been trying to break through all my life. The weird feelings, tremendous uneasiness and anxiety began to speak to me instead of torture me. The relief was immeasurable. I knew I had to find a way to take my discovery out to those who sought the relief I had found. There are so many of us out there. So I began to teach what I call an Inner Development Series. I love it. I’ve seen people grow by leaps and bounds as a result of a little bit of trust and effort.
My bottomless love of music led me to major in that subject in college. Music always has and always will nurture and feed me. I create and use tones that I feel are healing and soothing in my audio meditations. I offer the meditations as my gift here.
It took me many years to realize that I had a gift in the area of clairvoyance. It wasn’t until I was in my thirties that I began to pay particular attention to that. Even then it was a friend that clued me in to my gift.
I’ve spent the last 30 years as a professional Clairvoyant. I’ve consulted with people of all walks of life, including Doctors, Corporate Executives, Lawyers, Teachers, Film & Television Producers, Actors, Housewives and Entrepreneurs etc.
I formed a very unique group of Sensitives that work from time to time on missing children’s cases and was on the board of directors for the United Sensitives of America. But I get the most gratification teaching others to find that “thing” inside of them that knows the truth, and knows what to do in any given situation. It changes everything for them as it did for me.
For decades I was a single mother. Raising my son and daughter has been the greatest privilege of my entire life.
Later in life, I met and married the man of my dreams...my true soul mate. He was a creative genius, an Emmy winner and prolific writer and producer of some of the world’s most successful and beloved television shows.
Suddenly and unexpectedly my precious soul mate died in my arms on April 23, 2017 and my world crashed like a meteor striking earth at epic speed.
I am a spiritual seeker. My beloved Chris was a spiritual seeker. I know that the pain of losing him couldn’t be so cutting if the life we were given together hadn’t be so amazing. So I have to know how blessed I was to have him here with me. He visits me often. Our love and relationship continues.
I believe that we are all blessed with the ability to “know”. I also believe we are here to love and support one another, and to learn from one another.
My life took a very big turn when I decided to use my inner gifts publicly.
Selenite, Desert Rose, Satin Spar and Gypsum Fower are the four varieties of the mineral Gypsum. The four groups of the beautiful crystalline varieties of the Gypsum mineral are largely grouped together and called Selenite.
Selenite is composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate, which means that it has two molecules of water. People often confuse Selenite with selenium, believing that it Selenite contains selenium, but that is not the case.
The largest know crystals ever discovered are Selenite and the largest specimen found in the Naica Mine’s Cave in Mexico is 39 feet long and weighs 55 tons. Wow!
The etymology of this rather mystical mineral comes through the Middle East Selenite, from Latin Selenites and from Greek Selenites (lithos), which literally means moonstone or stone of the moon…Selene (Moon).
The most common type of Selenite that we see for sale is called Satin Spar. It has a silky, fibrous and translucent quality. It appears rather pearly and slightly milky. This is the Selenite that I love and feel drawn to.
Satin Spar Selenite is not very hard. As a matter of fact you can sort of peel it off with your fingernail. It is layers and layers of delicate crystal and has natural thermal insulating properties, feeling cold to the touch.
Satin Spar Selenite conducts light through its iridescent layers in a way that no other crystal can do. I find it a very absorbing experience to peer into a piece of Satin Spar Selenite. The decorative value alone stands out in a room full of other stones and crystals. It’s unique pearly opalescence and wonderful optic qualities in the shape of a wand are often referred to as a natural light wand.
Selenite (Gypsum) is found on every continent and is the most common of all the sulfate minerals. It is often found with other minerals such as copper ores, sulfur, sulfides, sliver, iron ores, coal, calcite, limestone, dolomite and opal.
Although Satin Spar Selenite can be fashioned into shapes such as spheres and wands, it is at its best in its natural form.
The healing qualities of Selenite have long been known and the ancients believed that it waxed and waned with the moon.
Selenite is a true energy conductor. It is a mental stimulator and aids meditation, telepathy and spiritual grounding.
It is also known as the Stone Of Atlantis. It releases negative energy and is one of the few crystals that do not retain negativity. It is often used to clear and reprogram other crystals. I find it particularly powerful for clearing and reprograming if used in the light of the moon.
Its fine, thin opal like sheets seem to layer their way into the emotional self, mending old wounds and releasing an imprisoned mind.
If you go looking for a piece of Satin Spar Selenite, choose carefully. Make sure that you spend some time with it. It generates quite a lot of subtle, healing energy. Stand and look at it. Touch it. Don’t be embarrassed to stare. I assure you that it will call out to you if it is what you need. Then place it somewhere that you can see it and pass by it a often.
If you meditate, which I hope you do, hold the Selenite out in front of you with both hands. Look into it.
Let it help clear your mind. Take two or three deep breaths. When your mind feels relaxed, open and clear lay it down on your lap and continue your mystical journey. Who knows where it will take you.
Mmmmm. Wonderful!