03 Jan

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey
Pumpkin Seeds

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp salt

any other seasoning of choice

*This can also be made by roasting any type of winter squash seeds

Preheat Oven to 350 degrees.

1. Clean the seeds from a pumpkin to remove any of the orange pumpkin bits

2. Put the seeds in a pot filled with water

3. Cover the pot and let seeds boil for about 10 minutes

4. Drain the seeds and spread them out onto a cookie sheet (or any kind of baking sheet)

5. Add 1 Tbl of olive oil and 1 tsp of salt

6. Mix the seeds until they are well coated.

7. Bake for 20 minutes or until pumpkin seeds are golden brown.

*You can skip the boiling step, however the seeds taste better are are less chews if they are boiled before.

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