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FAQ About Primordial Sound Meditation

Why should I meditate?

Meditation is one of the most powerful tools there is to help us restore the harmony within and to gain access to our bodies’ inner intelligence. In meditation, we rediscover the silence in our mind and make it a part of our life. Silence is the birthplace of happiness. It is where we get our bursts of inspiration, our tender feelings of compassion, our sense of love. Meditation is a journey to freedom and self-knowledge.

What is Primordial Sound Meditation?

The Primordial Sound Meditation technique originates from an ancient knowledge of India. Deepak Chopra has revived this authentic process and made it available in a format that can be easily learned and practiced by everyone.

What are the benefits of meditation?

During Primordial Sound Meditation our minds become quiet allowing our bodies to gain the deep rest necessary to release stress and fatigue. In meditation we re-connect with our essence. This connection extends into our daily lives and can result in improved health, more fulfilling relationships, enthusiasm for life and increased creativity.

What are Primordial Sounds?

Primordial Sounds are the basic, most essential sounds of nature. The specific Primordial Sounds which are used in meditation are mantras. These mantras are personal for each participant. They are chosen on the basis of Vedic mathematics which determines a specific sound or vibration of the Universe at the time and place of our birth. When we silently repeat Primordial Sounds as part of the mantra, they help to take our awareness away from the frenzy of daily activity of the mind to the stillness of our spirit. The effect soothes our entire physiology – mind, body and soul.

How will meditation affect my health?

Today doctors are increasingly citing stress as a major factor in such illnesses as depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, cardiac pain, insomnia, diabetes, ulcers, cold, fever, asthma, arthritis and alcoholism. Even though meditation should not be considered a cure by itself, research has shown that it contributes to reducing stress and achieving deep relaxation and a profound state of rest. By reducing stress, meditation has important benefits for a wide range of health problems, and also allows the mind and body to function.

Will I need to change my lifestyle?

Primordial Sound Meditation can be learned by people of every age, education, culture and religion. It does not require specific beliefs or a change in behavior or lifestyle. The only change or adjustment we need to make is to allow the time to meditate regularly. Other than that, any changes in our life come spontaneously.

Where do I learn Primordial Sound Meditation?

The course if taught by accredited teachers with the Chopra Center for Well Being. In the Conejo Valley/ Ventura County California area, you may contact Lisa Marie Coffey (Lissa Coffey) to find out about class schedules. If you live outside this area, you may go to www.chopra.com to find a teacher near you.

How do I sign up?

Go to the application page on this site, print out the form, and mail it in with your information and a check. It’s that easy! Any other questions, contact Lisa Marie Coffey (Lissa Coffey) at Bright Ideas Productions: 818-707-7127, or e-mail: LisaMarie@coffeytalk.com

10 Good Reasons to Learn Primordial Sound Meditation:

  • Reduce stress
  • Connect with your true self
  • Fulfill your desires
  • Become more intuitive
  • Enhance your daily living
  • Increase creativity
  • Create inner peace
  • Improve concentration
  • Unfold your full potential
  • Awaken your inner healer

How do I find a meditation instructor?

There are Primordial Sound Meditation Instructors all around the world. They are trained and certified by Deepak Chopra at The Chopra Center for Well Being. To find someone in your local area, visit: www.chopra.com