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In a seated position, with your spine straight, close your eyes and relax. Take a few deep cleansing breaths.

  1. Start with the first chakra at the base of your spine. Breathe in the color red, and visualize red filling that space. Silently repeat the mantra “Lam” while you exhale. Continue this for a couple of minutes.
  2. Now move to the second chakra, below the navel. Breathe in the color orange, and visualize orange filling that space. Silently repeat the mantra “Vam” while you exhale. Continue this for a couple of minutes.
  3. Now move to the third chakra, at the solar plexus. Breathe in the color yellow and visualize yellow filling that space. Silently repeat the mantra “Ram” while you exhale. Continue this for a couple of minutes.
  4. Now move to the fourth chakra, at the heart center. Breath in the color green and visualize green filling that space. Silently repeat the mantra “Yam” while you exhale. Continue this for a couple of minutes.
  5. Now move to the fifth chakra, at the middle of the throat. Breathe in the color blue and visualize blue filling that space. Silently repeat the mantra “Hum” while you exhale. Continue this for a couple of minutes.
  6. Now move to the sixth chakra, at the third eye. Breathe in the color indigo and visualize indigo filling that space. Silently repeat the mantra “Om” while you exhale. Continue this for a couple of minutes.
  7. Now move to the seventh chakra, at the crown of the head. Breathe in the color violet and visualize violet filling that space. Silently repeat the mantra “Aah” while you exhale. Continue this for a couple of minutes.

Now take some time to relax more deeply, and visually surround yourself in white light. Feel the light permeating your being and radiating from you at the same time.

Breathe and become aware of your surroundings before slowly opening your eyes. Stretch a little before going on with your activities.

Lisa Marie Coffey (Lissa Coffey) is a Certified Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor with the Chopra Center for Well Being.