Pet peeve
I have a cat. I love my cat. Like any good cat owner/mom/friend I want to take good care of my little kitty and provide her with all the best cat stuff there is to be had. And I don’t even mind putting up with the stinky littler box. It’s a small price to pay for all the love and cuddles I get from my baby! So, yesterday when I went to the market to buy her more litter for her box, I had to pause and contemplate just what the deal is with all the shelves full of litter box filler choices. Evidently there is quite a science to kitty litter. I can get regular, organic, environmentally friendly, dust-free, scoopable, clumpable, even one for multiple cats. And when it comes to odor control I have the choice of “Immediate odor control” or “Long lasting odor control.” Excuse me, but I want BOTH! All this technology, all this shelf space taken up in the grocery store and I have to choose whether to put up with the smell now or later? Hmmm… I’ll have to think about that one. I don’t think my kitty cat minds one way or the other. ]]>