More rain in California
When it rains in Southern California it’s news. When it rains as much as it has
recently, it is history-making news! I am a native Californian. I was born and
raised in Northern California and moved to Los Angeles to go to UCLA. Since I’ve
been here, I can’t remember more rain than what we’ve had this season.
Yes, we needed it. We were dry, facing another drought. Lake Arrowhead was
dangerously low, something like 21 feet low. And yet with one fell swoop of a storm
that’s all been made up. We’ve got plenty of water – miraculously! But now when
will it stop? We’ve already seen devastating landslides in La Conchita and other
areas in and around Los Angeles. When is enough really enough?
And what does all this water mean in the metaphysical sense? I find it interesting
that in Australia, where they are still having their summer, they are having powerful
rainstorms as well. And then there’s the recent Tsunami. All this adds up to a lot
of water all over the world. Water represents emotion, cleansing, tears. It can also
mean a re-birth. So much has been happening that maybe the world needed this bath in
a philosophical sense. While it’s not the world-wide flood that Noah endured, maybe
it is a signal to us for the need to start over again.
What are our priorities? What choices are we making? When politicians are able lie
their way into office, and killers grace the covers of best-selling magazines, what
does that say about the level of awareness in this world? So many things are just
upside-down. We have professional athletes who make an insane amount of money,
become role-models for our children, and are found out to have been taking illegal
substances to improve their performance in the game. Meanwhile we pay our children’s
teachers a pittance, we’ve eliminated programs to keep young people involved in
activities, and have let our school buildings run down to poverty level standards.
Health insurance is so expensive that many families can’t afford it – and health care
in general is such a racket with the pharmaceutical companies and hospitals in
cahoots with the inurance industry that doctors can’t pay off their student loans for
risk of risk losing their malpractice insurance. We’ve got Hummers clogging up the
highways – with one person driving alone inside! Children are hungry. Animals are
killed for their fur. The universe is crying, and it’s not difficult to see why.