Michael Jackson’s Neverland Collections
Last week I read an article in the Los Angeles Times about an auction that was scheduled through Julien’s Auctions. They were selling items that had been a part of the household at Michael Jackson’s Neverland. The next day there was another article, saying that the auction had been canceled. Michael stated that these items are irreplaceable, and that he never agreed that they would be sold. The auction company was allowed to keep the exhibit open, and for a $20 admission fee, anyone could come in and take a look.
Being a child of the ’70’s I feel like I grew up with Michael Jackson, and I was very interested to see his awards and costumes. At the last minute I threw my camera in the back of the car, just in case they let me take some footage. And guess what? They did!
So, here is the video that I made… fascinating stuff!
Michael Jackson’s Neverland Collections