31 Aug

Laptops for Kids Everywhere

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

If you’re reading this newsletter, you’ve got a computer, or access to a computer.  Here in the western world, we’re lucky to have computers on hand either at home or at our local library.  Computers are quickly changing from being a luxury item to a necessity.  Now there is a campaign called “One Laptop Per Child” headed up by Nicholas Negroponte, director of the media lab at M.I.T.  He wants to get a computer into the hands of every child in the world, no matter where they are.  He’s developed a super-affordable laptop called the XO, which is solar, electrical, or manually powered.  The goal is education.  Because schools and teachers are hard to come by in developing countries, these laptops are a connection to the world and a way to learn just about anything.  For a donation of just $200 One Laptop Per Child will send one of these sturdy and amazing little laptops to a needy child in a developing country.  Check out their website for all the information:

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