31 Aug


Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

The word “honey” comes from ancient Hebrew meaning “enchant.”  Honey is used as a sweetener for food and drinks, but it also has many healing properties.  “Apitherapy” is treatment with honey, and it can be used to replenish energy and enhance physical stamina.  Honey is also known to calm the mind and promote deep sleep.  Honey can relieve indigestion, and is often used to treat respiratory illnesses.  Think about how good a cup of hot tea with lemon and honey feels when you have a cough or sore throat.  And honey can also be used topically, a thin coat applied to the skin can help disinfect and heal minor skin wounds and chapped lips.  When buying honey, look for brands that have been produced by beekeepers who do not use pesticides.  There are many kinds of honey available, and the taste depends on the types of flowers from which the bees collect the nectar.  As we move into the cooler months, here’s a “recipe” for a relaxing honey bath: -Mix 2 ounces of honey in a small cup with 5 drops of lavender oil.  Stir well, then drop 2 tablespoons of the mixture under the tap to blend with warm bathwater.  Prepare for a great night’s sleep!

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