31 Aug


Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Homeopathic medicine was developed in the early 1800s by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann of Germany.  It is a natural pharmaceutical science and is known as an energetic medical system since it uses minute doses of natural substances (animal, vegetable, and mineral) to stimulate the body’s own defenses.

Homeopathy is a word derived from the Greek homoios, which means “similar” and pathos, which means “disease.”   It is medicine based on the law of similars.  This principle says that a substance will help to heal symptoms similar to those that it is known to cause. This is the same principle behind immunization.  Homeopathy also is known as a medicine of similars.

The choice of homeopathic medicine is determined by a person’s unique symptoms.  Each person is different, each disease is different, and each remedy will depend on the combination of symptoms for that person.  Whether you are seeing a homeopathic doctor or self-prescribing, you must look for your unique symptoms when determining the medication you need.

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