12 Feb

Go Fly a Kite

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

I’m hearing that song from “Mary Poppins” in my head right now – Let’s go fly a kite, up to the highest height, let’s go fly a kite and send it soaring!  With the March winds this is just the excuse to get out there and play.  When was the last time we cut loose and did something child-like?  I remember when I was little we used to pick up paper kites at the grocery store for like 15 cents, and then go to the park on our bikes, our dog chasing after us.  It’s such a feeling to go running on the grass, a unique combination of the breeze and sheer will getting that thing up into the air, high above the trees.  Ah, triumph!  Like the song says, “for a pittance of paper and string, you can have your own set of wings!”   Let your spirit soar.

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Lissa Coffey is an author, media personality, and the founder of CoffeyTalk.com (Reprinted with permission Copyright © Bamboo Entertainment, Inc.)

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