Fun in Phoenix!
Just got back from Phoenix – and what a fun trip! If you haven’t heard, I am now the relationship expert for This is a really cool website that is basically an extension of local TV station KTVK. It’s on the web, so anyone can access it, and it’s totally cool – but it you’re from Phoenix there are all kinds of added benefits, discounts, coupons, contests, etc. I flew in via Southwest from Burbank airport. Gotta love Burbank airport – it’s such an easy way to go. You valet park the car, and for an extra fee they’ll even have it washed for you by the time you get back. It’s a small airport so I didn’t have to walk far, which is great since I’m still having problems with my broken foot – it’s been 9 weeks, though, so I’m walking pretty well. Southwest is kind of a drag because you have to wait i line – I couldn’t sit down. There’s no assigned seating so everyone stakes out there ground when they get there so the best seat. But it’s an easy flight, just over an hour. Phoenix airport is HUGE! It’s beautiful, and new and clean and everything, but I had to hike to get from the terminal to the rental car shuttle, and then the shuttle drove us for about 10 minutes or so to the rental car place. I have a pretty terrible sense of direction, so having a map doesn’t seem to make much difference – I need a navigator – I need my husband Greg to tell me which way to go! It took me longer than it was supposed to but I found my way to the Hampton Inn Hotel, and it was great. Barely got checked in and I was out the door to go meet my fabulous webmaster, Brian, and his lovely wife, Lisa, for dinner. I’ve known Brian for over a year now, and I have to say, even though we have never met in person he’s got to be one of my best friends. I certainly “talk” with him more every day than I do anyone else! So it was great to finally connect and we probably could have gabbed all night – but I had to get back and start getting ready for the morning’s show. Got to the 3TV station at 7:30 for my 8:15 segment on “Break-Up Tips.” This is the theme for the site this week since the movie with Jennifer Aniston was coming out on Friday. I had my tips all ready to go, and everything was running smoothly. The mood was great around the studio because the Suns are in the playoffs and the team mascot, the Gorilla, came in to dance. All fun stuff. Then when I got to the set, there was breaking news. This happens quite frequently in the news business! Some guy was swarmed by bees and while running away fell off a cliff and a helicopter had to come rescue him. Very dramatic! Since this was a big story, and unexpected, my segment was much shorter than expected, but I still got the good information in, and a plug for the website, so I was happy. After the show I realized I had forgotten my earrings so I stopped at Target to pick some up. Is Target the best of what? They have everything! Not only that, it’s inexpensive! Picked up about 5 pairs, stopped at a deli for a tuna sandwich, then back to the hotel to watch The Young and The Restless before check out time. Then I went back to the station in the afternoon to shoot some promos for mysweetconnection. The Sweet Connection girls are all briliant and beautiful and are having a great time together with this whole project. And it shows! The press kit is darling. The commercials are clever. It’s all very branded, easy to navigate, and totally fun. I had a great time playing to the camera, then spent a little time working on a segment for the afternoon show which will air later in the month. Quick trip from the station to the airport and I was done. Hardly noticed the 106 degree heat… except when I was driving and the steering wheel was too hot to touch! I can’t wait to go back!