12 Feb

Diary of a Blog

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

I recently started a blog.  A blog is a “web log” and it’s kind of like an online diary.  I used to keep diaries and journals all the time; I started when I was about in the sixth grade.  But I guess with being busy doing mom stuff and work stuff I kind of got out of the habit.  So now that there’s this new online system, I figured it would inspire me to write in a more personal way.  The thing about a blog is that it’s up on the internet, so anyone can read it.  But there’s an awful lot of anonymity to the internet, too and I think my blog is kind of lost in the crowd of blogs so I’m not worried about my little writings getting out and shaking up some controversy not that they’re all that controversial; for whatever they’re worth, I’ve put them out there.

But the point is that I think all of us need some kind of an outlet where we can express ourselves.  Whether it’s online for the masses, or in a blank book we keep bedside.  It can be creative, in the form of poetry or prose, or therapeutic, as we spill our emotions out onto paper.  It’s good to look back and see what we’ve written at different points in our lives.  We can mark our progress, measure our growth.  It’s also a good way to articulate our goals, and keep track of where we’re going.  Journaling isn’t the same as writing in a Palm Pilot or a Filofax; a journal is a place for dreams and wishes, for memories and musings.

Lissa Coffey’s online newsletters and article content may be reprinted provided the following credit line is included:

Lissa Coffey is an author, media personality, and the founder of CoffeyTalk.com (Reprinted with permission Copyright © Bamboo Entertainment, Inc.)

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