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08 Nov

Spiking Your Holidays with an Attitude of Gratitude

Thanksgiving is such a
wonderful time of year.  No matter our
differing backgrounds, we can each spend a little time to celebrate that which
we find meaningful in our lives.  For as
long as I can remember, our family and friends have gathered for that
purpose.  We give thanks for the food
that graces our table. We give thanks for work, for health, for companionship,
for major and minor successes, the blessing of our country, improvements we see
around us, small and large miracles.

For one day each year, we take
the time to appreciate the people, places and things that contribute so much to
what we enjoy in life.  We give thanks
for what has been received, and express gratitude for that which we are about
to receive.  It’s more than just saying
grace, it’s anticipating the abundance of our world – an abundance which is all
around us if we have the eyes to see. 

For many, expressing thanks is
something they only do on the holiday, if at all.  Their thoughts are filled with what Noah St.
John calls “head trash.”  They do not
allow positive thoughts or dreams to stay long in their conscious mind.  As a result, they develop what is called a
bad attitude.  People around them feel
the negative energy they are radiating and tend to pull away from them.

Attitude is easily noticed by
other people. It is reflected in the way we think, the way we feel and what we
do.  When people have a good attitude, we
enjoy being around them.  So how do we
turn our thinking around so we are radiating positive energy that supports us
and others? 

One of the ways to attract
more into our lives is to appreciate what we see around us.  It’s a form of love that draws positive
things to us.  One of the best ways to
increase the flow of abundance, joy and well-being to you is to start
appreciating what is around you right now. 
You may not see that right this moment. 
In fact, you may be decidedly leaning in the opposite direction.  But if you want to start turning your life
around, start to appreciate it.  Find
just one thing.  Look for it – the sun,
the rain, a bird in the sky, the wag of a tail, a child’s laugh, or a surprise
smile.  All you need to do is make a
point of appreciating one thing around you. 

As part of my daily routine, I
make a point to express gratitude for ten things.  They are not always at the top of my
mind.  In the beginning, I had to be
thankful for very simple things, however, over the past couple years, I have
found more and more things and I’m grateful for some pretty wonderful
improvements.  By cultivating this habit
on a daily basis, I feel as if I have developed an attitude of gratitude that
draws ever more positive things into my life. 
It’s something I experience every day, not just once a year. 

It has also helped to monitor
my daydreams so that I can catch any negatives slipping into my thinking. There
is a simple exercise to do this.  When
you realize you are expressing a negative idea, write it down on the left side
of a piece of paper.  On the right side,
write down what would be the positive opposite to that idea.  For example, if you are saying you are
unhappy, write down that you are happy. 
Then ask yourself: Why am I happy or why am I starting to feel
happy?  This positive why question is called
an “afformation.”  The technique provides
a way for your subconscious mind to begin to search for all the reasons you are
starting to feel happy and bring them to your conscious mind.  It is amazing how fast and easy it is to see
the results. 

Another way you can begin to
express gratitude and appreciation is to create a subtle form of vision board
as part of your holiday décor.  I did
this once years ago when I created a wall hanging in the shape of a Christmas
tree onto which I had taped all the things I had accomplished in the prior
year, as well as my dreams for the coming year. 
You could also create a Gratitude Garland.  As you get ready to hang garlands around your
home for the holiday season, spend a few minutes interweaving slips of paper
into them containing positive statements and questions, accomplishments that
make you feel good, dreams you are pursuing, and of course thanks and
gratitude.  You will be surrounded by
visions of abundance and good fortune throughout the holiday season. 

This is the perfect time to
start to lay the groundwork for a fabulous new year.  May you reap the benefits when you spike your
holiday with a refreshing attitude of gratitude.

With appreciation,


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06 Nov

Selenite Cleansing Technique

This is a simple cleansing technique that Heather just learned on her trip to Kauai that you can do everyday in less then 30 seconds. All you need is a Selenite Crystal. You start by holding your Selenite Crystal in one hand at the top of your head and comb the crystal all the way down your body. Repeat this around your entire body until you feel the energy clear. This technique helps to clear, shield and protect your energy body. Once you are done, you will feel completely grounded, balance and protected with white light.

Selenite is one of the very few minerals that has the specific metaphysical properties to quickly unblock stagnant energy, removing all energy blockages. It shields you from outside influences as it evokes protection from the angelic realm and dispels all negative energy. Selenite also calms and brings deep peace and mental clarity. This crystal is a wonderful way to clear and recharge your jewelry and stones as well! 

Purchase your Selenite Crystal here: http://www.energymuse.com/store/selenite-crystal.html


By Heather Askinosie

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06 Nov

Clear Your Head, Clean Your Closet

Years ago, I remember asking a wise woman, “What is the best way to clear my head?”

She looked at me and said, “Go and clean your closet.”

Clean my closet, are you kidding me?

My closet is a huge undertaking. It’s the place I dash in and out of, hoping that nothing falls before I shut the door again.  Did she know how packed it was?  It could take me days, weeks even, to clean my closet. Just the thought of it alone stressed me out.

She said, “It’s all symbolic. When the closet is cluttered so is your head.”

So reluctantly, I began ‚¬Â¦

I opened the closet door and pulled everything out onto the floor; everything out of the drawers and every piece of clothing that barely clung to a hanger.

The more I cleaned and organized, the more I felt the number of things to clean and organize grew.

I started to get mad. This was going to take forever! How did my closet get so disorganized and cluttered?

I had to take a break.  I was exhausted, frustrated and simply overwhelmed.

The next day, I started the process again. Slowly, I started to see the things in front of me materialize, transforming from an overwhelming pile into my treasured belongings.

I realized it was time to let go of all the old, torn and outdated things and make space in my closet for new things.

The bags for Goodwill started multiplying, and I started to have open space in my closet.  My clothes can now breathe and so can I.

Once I finished cleaning my closet I felt empowered. I felt clear.

The process helped me release, let go and make space.

It was true after all. I didn’t need to spend money or talk to anyone to clear my head. I just had to do an active meditation: cleaning my closet to clear my head.

It’s all symbolic.

By Heather Askinosie

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23 Jul

Define Your Truth to Find Purpose

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve changed my hair color, clothing styles, favorite bands and authors, or wall colors in my house (the painter (hubby) sighs…).  Realistically, I am a highly cultivated experiencer of new and creative things (self-proclaimed…and that’s the point to this article).  I’ve discovered that effective change comes after deciding a thing or idea no longer is a part of who you are today and not because someone else or societal trends say so.  Truth changes us but only if it is OUR truth and we genuinely experience it to serve who we are or want to be.  When honored as a part of your sacred path, defining YOUR truth is the most significant change you will ever experience!

The Truth that Frees Us

There are more ideas, concepts, theologies, and philosophies to collect as truth than there are species of animals on this planet.  And sometimes it can be difficult to decide what to join with or let go of.  Well, it can be simple if you consider only how it makes you feel about yourself while you believe it.  If you feel energized and as though you’ve known it all along…chances are it may be YOUR truth to own.  It is resonating with who you are today.  However, if you constantly question something and it’s origins, it’s effectiveness in your life, it could be time to reevaluate it.  We can only truly be free to fly as our authentic selves when we connect to truth that brings wind to our wings.  Think in terms of not what is right or wrong but what recognizes who you are as a human being and unique soul.  And never stop defining who you are.

“Remind yourself that you will incur the misunderstanding and perhaps even wrath of those around you for having the temerity to march to your own drumbeat. Don’t take it personally even for one moment. It is merely a strategy to get you to conform, and when you fail to react, the wrath will quickly disappear. At the same time, allow those in your immediate sphere to have the joy of blissfully marching to their own beat.” ~DR. WAYNE W. DYER

Letting Go of Old Beliefs

Just as I am always shocked when I look in the mirror after going from being a redhead to a blonde or vica-versa, I am a little taken back by introducing new beliefs and truths to my life.  It’s exciting on one hand but can also produce some anxiety.  The “what ifs”, and the “what will others think?”  come in and cause my newborn beliefs to shudder…just a little.  But, thankfully, I’ve done this enough that I now honor those feelings and let them go quietly out the door with my old beliefs.  Letting go is liberating!

Fear Grounds Us

Picture yourself poised in a grand hot air balloon ready to take off on a journey to discover a glorious perspective from the sky.  Now, imagine you are afraid of heights.  Your sudden jolt of anxiety forces you to exit the balloon.  How disappointing and disheartening to know that no matter how hard you try you can’t bring yourself to experience the thing you’re afraid of…your purpose and perspective  is grounded. What if you just decided to change your beliefs (your truth) about yourself?  This is just one example of how our self-proclaimed truth can serve or not serve our intentions.  My experience is that when I define who I am in the midst of fear, I can dispel it with a new belief.  I decide what flys.  You do too.

Living Your New Truth

After the first initial moments of anything that serves who you are today, you suddenly realize you can adapt and let go of the fear and old ways that no longer resonate with your true self.  In this moment of definition, you change.  You are free.  Living your truth can be a challenge, however, if you struggle with allowing others-outside influences- (the media, your family, friends, social networks, ministers, bosses, teachers, etc.) to define you. But if you are OK with this practice, then I guess that is also a defining part of who you are.  Either way, these choices are yours to make.  Living your truth in my experience is the most vividly expressive contribution we can ever make to our world and genuine praise to our Creator.

What are some of your sources for new truth and how do they affect your life overall?

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16 Apr

Passion: A Sign of Purpose?

Passion – a word that has so much energy and promise. It brings lovers together; it wins wars; it creates fine art and literature; it makes money; and it works miracles.  Those who find it have the potential to do all of the above and more.  What are you constantly drawn to do that gives you that feeling of accomplishment and joy?  Though it may have nothing to do with your purpose, it’s likely that it does and can give you a clue – a direction in which to start seeking.

“Passion is contagious, and when you have the courage to share your passion for life with those around you, it can inspire others to find the path to their dreams!” ~Michele DeVille 

Keep in mind, though, there are passions that serve you and others well – and those that don’t. Just as an honorable, passionate woman brings beauty and love to the table, her counterpart, the naughty, greedy (equally passionate) gal can ruin lives faster than you can say Desperate Housewives. And you men are equally responsible for some horrible passion mishaps…just saying.  Is Your Passion Honorable?  In a perfect world, I could give you a perfect answer, but we all know that is not going to happen anytime soon.  So, instead, I will give you the best one I know: it depends on what you believe is honorable.  And in that perfect world we would all understand the legitimacy of honor.  It is simple and really does fit in a nutshell: Love.  If what you desire is driven by love for someone or something else other than self and what you can get out of it, it’s honorable.

Acting from a place of love and intuition honors you as well as mankind.  Secondly, it will make room for you.  That means you won’t be fighting tooth and nail to express or work within your passion.  Furthermore, others notice you can’t stop talking about it with a broad, natural smile on your face.  It expands your world and makes your heart beat faster.  

Take an inventory of your passions and explore the possibility that they may be leading you to your authentic purpose.  Each piece of the puzzle will fit when it’s time, so be patient and give yourself a minute to process and create the body/mind/spirit environment for the whole picture to come into view.  Regardless of whether your passions have anything to do with your authentic purpose, enjoy them and allow them to play out in your daily life. Pursuing joy and freedom is actually an extremely purposeful way to live and will fulfill the most valuable thing you could ever do…being YOU!

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