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31 Dec

Sweet Summer Slumber

Summer is that time of year when our focus turns to leisurely activities and relaxation. Yet as temperatures rise, and it stays lighter later, we might have trouble getting that sweet sleep that we need to function optimally throughout the day.  As the Spokesperson for the Better Sleep Council, I’ve got some tips to help you sleep soundly this summer.


       Sleep Sanctuary.  Keep the bedroom a place for sleep and sex only.  This is not a place for any kind of technology, cell phones included!  You want to be sure to keep the room cool, dark, and quiet.  In the summer, this means using natural, breathable fabrics, like cotton, for your sheets and pajamas. Sleepwear should be comfortable and loose.  If your room doesn’t stay dark enough, use a sleep mask.  And if your window is open to let in cool night air, and the outside noises are disrupting your sleep, use soft foam earplugs.


       Get plenty of exercise during the day, but make sure to give yourself enough time between exercise and sleep to let your body relax. About 3 hours between exercise and sleep is the minimum.


       Enjoy the summer parties with friends, but also be mindful of how

night-time activities impact your sleep.  Alcohol late at night can affect your sleep cycle.  So, avoid alcohol 3 hours prior to bedtime.


       Stay hydrated!  We sweat more in the summer heat, so we need more water to compensate for that.  Dehydration can cause headaches and body aches that can make getting to sleep difficult.


       Keep cool in bed by sticking your feet out!  When your feet get hot then the whole body feels it and it’s harder to sleep.  You can also cool your feet and neck with a damp cloth just before bedtime.


       Keep a sleep schedule.  Even though you have time off work for vacation, try to get to bed and wake up at the same time each day.  Keeping a consistent schedule helps your body to adjust and fall asleep more easily.




We’re on a campaign to Spread the Snooze!  Show that you’re serious about Summer Slumber by taking the Sleep Pledge.  And invite your friends to do the same. 


“I pledge to make sleep my priority this summer.”


Let us know what you are doing to make sure you get the sleep you need this season – we’d love to hear from you!



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31 Dec

Bin Laden Aftermath

A Time for Reflection


The news spread quickly, almost immediately given our near constant connectivity to all things media.  Osama Bin Laden, easily the most hated man in the world, was dead.  After a brief pause for confirmation, and reassurance, the celebration began.  Hoots and hollers, chants of “U-S-A” and toasts of cheers filled the usually mundane Sunday night.  Radio hosts almost giddy proclaimed that we will always remember where we were when we heard the announcement. 


In what seemed like no time at all, there were graphic photographs posted on websites, videos shared on social media pages, news updates back-to-back.  The internet was bursting with a kind of excitement that fans exude when their team wins a championship.  But these images, bloody, gory, like something out of a slasher film, and which are still being dispersed, are nothing to cheer about.


I understand what Bin Laden’s death signifies: an end to terrorism, and closure to one of the most horrific and tragic events our country has ever experienced.  I understand what Bin Laden represents: a threat to be feared, an evil force beyond our reach.  It’s been ten years of mourning, ten years of questioning, ten years of suffering.  So I do understand why there would be a sigh of relief, and prayers of gratitude that this threat has finally, after all this time, been set aside.  But it is difficult, and disturbing for me to think of celebrating the death of any human being.  Martin Luther King said: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”


Has justice been served?  That certainly can be said to be true.  But when something like this happens, it is not a time to gloat, or to stir up feelings of revenge and animosity.  It is a time for sobriety.  It is a time when clear heads prevail, when we can reflect and learn and turn out attention to the peace that we so deeply crave.  Martin Luther King recognized this, and articulated it well.  Gandhi understood this.  Mother Teresa did as well.  We have both the option and the ability to handle ourselves in a spiritually mature manner.  These people have set the example for us, and laid the groundwork for a new paradigm.  It’s not just how we act that has an impact on the world.  It’s also how we react, and how we respond to the situations that arise all around us that can make all the difference in how we learn and grow.  We always have choices.  And we need to realize the effect that these choices have on our own lives, and the lives of all those around us.  The truth is that, as we have seen with the way the internet works and how quickly news travels, we are all connected.  Our actions can either hurt or help.  


Whatever our practice happens to be, however we acknowledge the change that has taken place, let us take some time to focus on peace, to take some of the love that is in our hearts and share it out in the world.  Love is the most powerful force there is, and we can never have too much of it.



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31 Dec

Satellite Media Tour 5/5/09


I’m doing a Satellite Media Tour for the Better Sleep Council.  I’ll be talking about Better Sleep Month, and how to get a good night’s sleep despite stress!

If you’re in any of these cities you can tune in LIVE:

KIMT, Rochester-Mason City 7:05-7:15 am ET

KHGI, Lincoln & Hastings – KRNY 7:15-7:25 am ET

KJTV, Lubbock 8:15-8:25 am ET

WHAM -CW, Rochester 8:40-8:50 am ET

KCWJ (radio), Kansas City 9:05-9:10 am ET

KCWE, Kansas City 9:15-9:20 am ET

Tell Rochelle (National Talk Radio, CBS) 10:05-10:10 am ET

KBFX, Bakersfield 10:40-10:50 am ET

Cable Radio Network, National 10:50-11:00 am ET

And we’re pre-taping shows in these cities so check your station listing for times and dates:

WICU, Erie

WCJB, Gainesville

WKMG, Orlando

KRIV, Houston

WDIS Radio, Boston

WYAM, Huntsville-Decatur

WYYZ Radio, Atlanta

WBFF, Baltimore

WWL, New Orleans

WWMT, Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo

WDAZ, Fargo-Valley City

You can find more sleep tips online at: BetterSleep.org


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31 Dec

Marriage in the News

The news broke on Friday afternoon, the same day as the opening ceremony of the Olympics was to air in the United States.  Boy wonder Senator John Edwards lied.  He actually did have an affair while his wife Elizabeth battled cancer.  Now he had to come clean.  Rumors were rampant since this first happened back in 2006, but he adamantly denied them, and Elizabeth stood by his side.  After this admission, the pundits are saying that his political career is over.  No longer can he hope for the Vice-President seat, or the Attorney General position.  John Edwards has had the pedestal knocked out from under him.  Oh, wait… didn’t he do this to himself?

No one knows what goes on inside a marriage except for the two people involved.  Evidently Elizabeth already knew about the affair, and chose to stay in the marriage.  But the American people feel as if John Edwards has cheated on them.  He lied.  He covered up.  He painted a picture of a devoted husband and the reality turned out to be very different.

And yet, McCain committed the very same crime years ago in his first marriage.  He cheated on his wife, some say multiple times, before cheating with the much younger and wealthier Cindy, who is now his current wife.  And he’s running for President!  Does America have a short memory?

What happened with John and Elizabeth is between John and Elizabeth.  But people who are in the public eye are subject to the scrutiny of the public.  And knowing this, they must hold themselves to the standards that they extol.  While I certainly don’t approve of John Edwards’ behavior, I hate to think that we would lose a perfectly qualified Attorney General because of it.  Maybe what he has learned from this experience has made him even more right for the position.  Each of us has our demons, our shadow, our dark side.  But not everyone’s dark side is on display.  Whoever does get in will have their own share of demons, that’s just the way it is.

So hopefully this “news” story will teach us a little bit about our own relationships.  How our actions affect not just ourselves, and our spouse, but how they reflect on the whole, and have far reaching ramifications. 





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31 Dec

Dryer Drama

My washer and dryer are 10 years old now, which I understand is the lifetime of these appliances.  We use them a lot – probably 8 loads or so a week, so they might be older than their chronological age.  Last month I was having problems with the dryer again, so I had the guy come out and do a full service, cleaned out all the lint, etc, it was beautiful.  For about 3 weeks.  Then Wednesday morning I went to run a load and it wouldn’t start.  Dead as a doornail. Another guy came out yesterday and told me we need a new motor.  I wasn’t crazy about putting in a new motor in an old machine – and given the wear and tear it’s been through over the years I was thinking we were due for a new one.  After all, if I put the price of a new motor towards the new machine it couldn’t be that much more, right? So, I headed off to Sear’s.  I mean, the sooner I order, the sooner it’s delivered, and I already have wet laundry waiting to be dried so I’m kind of in a hurry here.  It’s been 10 years since I’ve been dryer shopping, and let me tell you, things are different out there!  Prices are higher – what did I expect?  And, of course, there’s the whole washer/dryer set thing happening which made me want to get a new washing machine, too.  A lot of the washers are front-loading now – so I asked the difference between front-load and top-load.  Big difference, turns out!  The traditional top-load machine uses 40 gallons of water to do a wash.  The new front load kind uses just 14 gallons of water!  That’s amazing… and when you figure I do 8 loads a week, that’s a huge savings of water.  The other difference is that the top load version has that spin thing in the middle to rotate the clothes around, up and down.  The front load kind uses gravity, so it doesn’t have that middle thing.  You can fit more stuff in there. I opted for the bottom of the line front-load washer and its matching companion.  The old machines will be hauled off and recycled or donated when the new ones arrive tomorrow. Life’s little interruptions.  I wasn’t planning on spending the money, but in the long run, I feel better for saving water and energy, and now I have at least another 10 years to go before I’ll have to deal with it again.  By then they’ll have some other fancy features I’ll just have to have.


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31 Dec

Kudos to Oprah!

All this James Frey stuff really bugs me. The guy lied, to millions of people, and he got paid handsomely for it. He lied in his best-selling memoir. He lied on national TV. He lied to Oprah. Ah! There was his fatal mistake. At first Oprah stood up for the guy, backing him on Larry King. But then I guess she got to thinking about it and decided that what he did was just not right. And she said so on her show, with Frey and his publisher front and center, and the whole world watching. Good going, Oprah! Kudos to YOU! It was great to see Oprah call James Frey out on the carpet, and say what we all wanted to say all along.


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31 Dec

Pet peeve

I have a cat. I love my cat. Like any good cat owner/mom/friend I want to take good care of my little kitty and provide her with all the best cat stuff there is to be had. And I don’t even mind putting up with the stinky littler box. It’s a small price to pay for all the love and cuddles I get from my baby! So, yesterday when I went to the market to buy her more litter for her box, I had to pause and contemplate just what the deal is with all the shelves full of litter box filler choices. Evidently there is quite a science to kitty litter. I can get regular, organic, environmentally friendly, dust-free, scoopable, clumpable, even one for multiple cats. And when it comes to odor control I have the choice of “Immediate odor control” or “Long lasting odor control.” Excuse me, but I want BOTH! All this technology, all this shelf space taken up in the grocery store and I have to choose whether to put up with the smell now or later? Hmmm… I’ll have to think about that one. I don’t think my kitty cat minds one way or the other. Share/Bookmark]]>

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31 Dec

ASC Award Winners 2014

ASC is the American Society of Cinematographers:

Feature Film: Emmanuel Lubezki for Gravity

Spotlight Award: Lukasz Zal and Ryszard Lenczewski for Ida

Half-Hour Episodic Series: Blake McClure for Comedy Central’s Drunk History (“Detroit”)

Career Achievement in Television Award: Richard Rawlings Jr. (Charlie’s Angels, L.A. Law, Gilmore Girls, Desperate Housewives)

ASC Bud Stone Award of Distinction: Beverly Wood for her work with the ASC.

TV Movie/Miniseries: Jeremy Benning for National Geographic Channel’s Killing Lincoln

International Achievement Award: Eduardo Serra (Girl With The Pearl Earring, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Parts 1 and 2, Blood Diamond, Unbreakable)

Board of Governors Award: John Wells (August: Osage County, ER, The West Wing, Southland)

One-Hour Episodic Television Series: Jonathan Freeman for HBO’s Game of Thrones (“Valar Dohaeris”)

Lifetime Achievement Award: Dean Cundey (Halloween, The Fog, Escape from New York, The Thing, Big Trouble in Little China, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Back to the Future trilogy, Apollo 13)


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31 Dec

Brothers and Sisters

One of the most interesting relationships we encounter in this lifetime is the relationship between siblings.  As we are living longer than ever before, chances are that this relationship is the one that lasts the longest in our lives.  Studies show that sister are more likely to keep in contact than brothers, and brother-sister combos fall somewhere in the middle.  What keeps us bonded with our siblings into adulthood? A number of factors are involved.  One theory says that it’s the way the parent guides the kids to be kind and helpful towards one another when they are young.  Another theory is that siblings feel comfortable in attached relationships.  They are familiar with one another, and feel badly when separated.  How closely the siblings live to one another also comes into play.  Those who live closer have more contact. 


Sibling relationships change over time.  Typically there is more closeness and more involvement when we are younger, and that gradually decreases in early adulthood. But then we find that closeness again as we get settled and start to get older.  Sibling rivalry decreases and feelings of closeness increase with age.  One study found that older people with living siblings, especially sisters, have a higher morale, and are more emotionally secure. Siblings rely on each other more and more for support as they age.


I remember having a wonderful conversation with Deepak Chopra’s mother when we were both at the Chopra Center in 1998.  I have two boys myself, so we have this in common, and we spoke heart to heart as mothers.  I asked her what her secret was, how she raised two amazing, successful, big-hearted sons.  She said to me, “It was all God.”  I admired her humbleness, and knew she really had everything to do with it.  Children follow the example of their parents, and this kind, beautiful woman certainly was a demonstration of love and family and created a loving, supportive home for her two boys so that they could go out into the world and share the lessons they learned from her.


Deepak Chopra has written a new book with his brother Sanjiv titled: Brotherhood: Dharma, Destiny, and the American Dream. The inspiring story of two brothers who immigrated to America from India and took very different paths to becoming world-renowned healers and teachers. 


At a time when America is fiercely divided on the issue of immigration, Brotherhood tells the story of two brothers who pursued the American dream to its fullest expression. In the early 1970s, Deepak and Sanjiv Chopra joined a flood of immigrants looking to make a new life in America, a land of opportunity. Having grown up in postwar India amidst the sudden freedom of the 1947 liberation, their childhood was a blend of the exotic, the mythical, and the modern. Their father was one of the first Indians to become a Western-trained cardiologist, while their extended family maintained deep roots in ancient spiritual traditions.


Brotherhood follows the Chopra brothers as one becomes a world-renowned spiritual teacher and the other rises to the top of Western medicine to become a professor at Harvard Medical School. Their story will fascinate and inspire anyone who still believes in America’s capacity to foster achievement and reward hard work.




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31 Dec

New Day, New Decade

New Day, New Decade


2011 is well under way.  Not only is this a new year, it’s a new decade!  We had our grand finale, wrapping up 2010 with the solstice and coinciding full moon and lunar eclipse, bringing change and a shift in energy.  And now, January 4 welcomes a new moon, signaling new beginnings.

Many of us choose to set New Year’s resolutions, goals that we work towards to better ourselves in one way or another.  This is a good exercise, as it helps us to consider what we want for ourselves, and how we can take action to make things happen.

Of course, we can set goals at any time.  Many people choose their birthdays to do this because it’s a time of reflection.  You might also choose any new moon, or the beginning of any season.  These are all natural times to invoke change.

We know the importance of setting goals, and we know how good it feels when we reach those goals.  But at the same time, we need to remember that each step is an important part of the process.  We need to recognize this, and understand that we are moving forward.  This will keep us invested in the long run.  Breaking down “big” goals into more easily achievable steps is a good way to mark our progress.  We are learning and growing every day.

We can learn a lot about ourselves by looking at our goals and our desires.  There’s a reason why we want what we want.  And we wouldn’t want it if it weren’t attainable.  We learn and grow on the way to our goals.

Desire is our greatest motivator because it spurs us into action! Through action comes experience, achievement, accomplishment, and many great things.  We are busy fulfilling our desires everyday, and sometimes so easily that we aren’t even aware of what we are doing.  So, when setting your resolution, or goal, look at your desires first.  These are the steps you can take to get things going:

1. Recognize that you have this desire.  Label it.  Define it.  Know it.

2. Evaluate the desire – do you REALLY want it?  What is it exactly that you really want?  Explain it to yourself.  Make sure that it makes sense to you, and that you understand why you want this, and what it means to you to achieve this goal.

3. Create an intention to fulfill the desire, to reach your goal.  Make that commitment.  Set this as a priority in your life.

4. Release the desire to the universe – state your intention clearly.  It’s a good idea to write it down, and then burn the piece of paper, or file it away somewhere with the date on it.

5. Give up any attachment to what happens.  Just let it go, knowing anything can happen, the outcome is usually better than we ever could have anticipated. In spirit, there is no time or space. Be flexible, be open, and observe how things unfold. 

6. Let the universe handle the details – don’t try to control or manipulate how things occur. Rather than making demands, leave room to allow nature to take its course in whatever way, shape, or form that might be.  There’s always some reason behind everything that happens, so have a little faith that work is being done even if you don’t see it.  Know that creation and growth takes place every moment.

7. Feel grateful, and express gratitude!  Your emotions electrify the process.

8. Be aware of things that happen that may help you to achieve your goal.  There are no accidents, and no coincidences in life.  When opportunities arise, be ready to embrace them.

9. Celebrate every success and let it build your confidence and warm your heart.  Continue to express gratitude all along the way.

Happy new day, happy new year, happy new decade!




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