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10 Nov

Taking Losses in Your Portfolio for Tax Benefit Purposes

Let’s face it, none of us ever go into an investment thinking it will not work out, but this does occur and can end up resulting in a loss.  In these cases, we can use these losses to our advantage for tax planning purposes. Tax-loss harvesting is a powerful tool you can employ to convert losses into tax savings without diverting drastically from your long-term investment strategy or outcome.

Here’s how the strategy works:

First, make sure to consult with your financial advisor or accountant before making any decision based on what you learn here. Tax harvesting can be complex and change over time as tax laws change. Your financial professionals will have the best insight into current laws and practices.

Currently, investors can use unlimited losses to offset capital gains, but only claim up to $3,000 per year in losses against normal income.  However, any unused losses can be carried forward to use in future year.  For example, if you have a $9,000 loss, you can take a $3,000 deduction each year for three years. It’s important to understand that you won’t get the full $9,000 loss claim in one year unless you also have $9,000 in gains. Knowing this can help you offset other gains and income.

Doing this correctly is a 3-step process to ensure you are correctly following IRS guidelines:

  1. Sell your shares for a loss.
  2. Reinvest in a similar, but not identical position.
  3. Reinvest in the original position at least 31 days later.

This is a powerful strategy to help you reduce your effective tax rate and increase your net worth. When used properly, tax harvesting can make significant improvements to your investment portfolio over long periods of time.  This works particularly well with index or passive mutual funds.  You can sell a fund that is linked to an specific index and at the same time buy another funds that is linked to a similar but not identical index.

However, there are some instances when it doesn’t make sense to implement this strategy:

  • If you plan on waiting 31 days to repurchase the original investment, it can be dangerous to utilize this strategy because of the dramatic market ups and downs that are present in these types of markets. It can be hard to time the trade exactly right and you may find that your loss turned back to break even in only one week’s time.  
  • Another poor implementation of this strategy is to use it when the trading costs don’t outweigh the tax savings. Remember that there are at least four trades involved here, each with a commission or a fee. When the tax savings will be minimal or equal to the total combined trading fees, it just doesn’t make sense to follow this model.
  • This strategy only works in your personal investment accounts and cannot be used in any retirement accounts such as a 401(k), IRA or Roth IRA.


Taking a loss is never in the initial purchase plan and none of us like being in a investment that is currently down.  However, knowing that there is a tax strategy that can help you save money on your taxes is very helpful to  continue steady growth and remain secure in your wealth management strategy into the future. If you are concerned about losses in your portfolio, contact your financial advisor to determine if tax-loss harvesting is an option for you.

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10 Nov

Post Election Prayer

This is a prayer that is featured in my book “Bhakti: 108 Prayers of Devotion” – I think it is appropriate for what a lot of us are feeling right now. It applies to many situations. I keep reminding myself: “God’s got this.” It’s very comforting.


Dear God,

I’m glad You’re in charge.

Sometimes things don’t go the way I’d like them to go,

Or the way I think they should go.

And I feel frustrated, or hurt, or disappointed.

But then I remember You’re in charge. I remember that You have a plan.

I remember that however things “seem” to be – is probably not how they really are.

It is comforting knowing that I don’t have to exhaust myself

Trying to make things different.

Because I trust that You have it covered.

I might forget, and get stressed out.

So when I forget, please remind me.

There are so many ways you are present in my life.

Open my eyes to beauty. Open my heart to joy.

Grant me patience, and peace, understanding and acceptance.

I can’t control everything. And I really don’t want to.

So I’ll just leave it to You.

I’ll just let go, and let You do your thing.





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10 Nov

Post Election Traumatic Stress Disorder

PETSD – I’ts real!

By Teri Williams

ballotsOver the last 90 days we, as a country, have experienced more election stress than I have ever witnessed.  Personally, I have heard close friends and family members resort to vile language and physical intimidation tactics to get their point across. It has triggered a gamut of emotional responses from my own past traumas and includes the awareness of the traumatic experiences of my ancestors.


Now that the election is over, we face a new kind of stress – Post Election Traumatic Stress Disorder.  Wherever you sit along the party lines you have felt the uneasiness of this unprecedented election.

What is stress?  Stress is change and because everything is always changing and moving, we feel stress on a regular basis.  Simply put stress is our response, physically, spiritually and emotionally, to certain changes that happen in day to day life.  Sometimes it’s good stress and sometimes it’s bad stress.  When those changes are extreme and prolonged, fearful and painful, it can be deadly.

For many of us this campaign seemed to create feelings of anger, deep seated anger, confusion, divisiveness, fear, and anxiety.  It doesn’t’ stop there.  Many have experienced physical symptoms, as well: restlessness, insomnia, that literal “knot” in your stomach, even headaches.

When working properly, stress helps you stay focused, energetic, and alert. In emergency situations, stress can save your life – giving you extra strength to defend yourself, for example, or spurring you to slam on the brakes to avoid an accident.

What can you do now that the election is over if you are experiencing any symptoms of PETSD?


 The best way to manage stress is to avoid it. Since that is not always an option there are a wide range of tools available to help manage it, to take control of it, including: psychotherapy, drugs, meditation, and exercise.

When help isn’t immediate, here are 7 basic Stress relievers that you can include in your life now:

  1. Lean into it – Take one small step, then another. Each baby step leads to successfully reducing stress.
  2. Meditation/Mindfulness – begin a practice, even if only for a few minutes at a time.  Simply start with a few deep breaths whenever you are feeling anxious or out of sorts.  Think of something or someone that brings you joy.
  3. Exercise – walk, jog, do yoga, hit the gym, dance – whatever it is that causes your body to move. Studies have shown that 30 minutes of walking a day can not only reduce stress levels, it can help lower high blood pressure, weight loss and more.
  4. Healthy foods – feed your body, mind and soul the foods that support your overall well-being. Pay attention to when something you eat isn’t sustaining you.
  5. Learn something new – Unsure of what’s happening around you, how is it affecting you? Get a mentor, develop your intuition, take a class, and act.
  6. Give back – We all want the same basic things in life.  Be a leader by helping someone else through change.  You might be surprised at how it changes your own life.
  7. Soul Retrieval – Soul Retrieval is a shamanic spiritual practice that fosters healing of soul loss.  Soul loss can occur whenever we experience trauma.

These techniques, and many others, can easily be incorporated into your life right NOW.  When practiced on a regular basis, they can seriously reduce feelings of PTESD or any stressors.

For more information on meditation and healthy eating, or to schedule a soul session visit:  SoulcialLiving.com.

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09 Nov

Different Types of Trusts


While all trusts share some similarities, there are many different types of trusts that you can use as part of your estate plan. For that reason, it is helpful to know what some of your alternatives are if you are considering getting a trust.

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07 Nov

Passing Down a Private Foundation


Many wealthy people create private foundations as a way to continue using their wealth to support causes they believe in after they pass away. It is an extremely important part of many estate plans. However, for private foundations to work after the founder passes away, it is important to plan properly.

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04 Nov
03 Nov

An Analysis of Presidential Elections and the Stock Market

Next week, Americans will head to the polls to elect the next president of the United States. While the outcome is unknown, one thing is for certain: There will be a steady stream of opinions from pundits and prognosticators about how the election will impact the stock market. As we explain below, investors would be wellserved to avoid the temptation to make significant changes to a longterm investment plan based upon these sorts of predictions.


Trying to outguess the market is often a losing game. Current market prices offer an up-to-the-minute snapshot of the aggregate expectations of market participants. This includes expectations about the outcome and impact of elections. While unanticipated future events—surprises relative to those expectations—may trigger price changes in the future, the nature of these surprises cannot be known by investors today. As a result, it is difficult, if not impossible, to systematically benefit from trying to identify mispriced securities. This suggests it is unlikely that investors can gain an edge by attempting to predict what will happen to the stock market after a presidential election.

Exhibit 1 shows the frequency of monthly returns (expressed in 1% increments) for the S&P 500 Index from January 1926 to June 2016. Each horizontal dash represents one month, and each vertical bar shows the cumulative number of months for which returns were within a given 1% range (e.g., the tallest bar shows all months where returns were between 1% and 2%). The blue and red horizontal lines represent months during which a presidential election was held. Red corresponds with a resulting win for the Republican Party and blue with a win for the Democratic Party. This graphic illustrates that election month returns were well within the typical range of returns, regardless of which party won the election.

Exhibit 1. Presidential Elections and S&P 500 Returns

Histogram of Monthly Returns, January 1926–June 2016




Predictions about presidential elections and the stock market often focus on which party or candidate will be “better for the market” over the long run. Exhibit 2 shows the growth of one dollar invested in the S&P 500 Index over nine decades and 15 presidencies (from Coolidge to Obama).This data does not suggest an obvious pattern of long-term stock market performance based upon which party holds the Oval Office. The key takeaway here is that over the long run, the market has provided substantial returns regardless of who controlled the executive branch.

Exhibit2. Growth of a Dollar Invested in the S&P 500, January 1926–June 2016



Equity markets can help investors grow their assets, but investing is a long-term endeavor. Trying to make investment decisions based upon the outcome of presidential elections is unlikely to result in reliable excess returns for investors. At best, any positive outcome based on such a strategy will likely be the result of random luck. At worst, it can lead to costly mistakes. Accordingly, there is a strong case for investors to rely on patience and portfolio structure, rather than trying to outguess the market, in order to pursue investment returns.

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02 Nov
28 Oct

Global Healing and Social Harmony Meditations

A thought came to me recently while meditating: Most everyone I know is frustrated by and discouraged with global strife, social turmoil, and political squabbling yet also uncertain how they, as individuals, can contribute something positive to offset rampant negativity. That’s when it occurred to me to initiate Global Healing & Social Harmony Meditations. Based on the distant healing teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, the following techniques serve on subtle levels to direct energy whenever and wherever needed and, accordingly, lay the framework for healing to materialize externally.

So, please use what is shared here – by yourself or in groups – and know that everyone’s input is of real value.

Here’s what to do:

1.) Convert your Body / Mind into a Spiritual Battery. Spend time in prayer and meditation. Go within and affirm your nature as a child of Spirit; one with the Divine. Call to God in the language of your heart to reveal Him/Her/It Self, then, be still & receive. Feel the Sacred’s subtle responses manifest as ever-increasing joy, love, or peace in your heart.

2.) Offer a Prayer invoking divine energy to flow through you. Remember that God alone is the Healer and Source of all healing. We merely serve as channels for this force to flow through us. Here is a prayer you can use: “Heavenly Father / Divine Mother / Infinite Spirit, Thou art omnipresent, Thou art in all creation; manifest Thy healing presence in all bodies, minds, souls, in all parts of the Earth, and in every society.” (Yes, this is a bit King James style so feel free to create your own prayer according to taste.)

3.) Send Healing To All Individuals.
Note: Do these exercises with eyes closed and focused at the spiritual eye or 6th chakra. This center is the seat of concentration, will, and spiritual perception.

– Rub the palms briskly, hold your palms up and facing out then chant Om directing healing energy to all Bodies
– Rapidly rotate the hands in a forward circular motion, hold your palms up facing out then chant Om directing healing energy to all Minds
– Repeat step one and direct healing energy to all Souls.

Note: As you do this you will increasingly feel a current or pulsing of energy flow out through your palms for the purposes specified.

4.) Send Energy for Planetary Healing.

Lower the arms then
– Rub the bare left arm briskly several times with the right palm.
– Repeat this to the right arm with the left palm.
– Then, rub both palms together until they feel hot.
– Separate the hands and feel life current pulsing through both arms and hands

Visualize the Earth floating between your hands.





– Gently move your hands in space over the earth & chant Om to fill the Earth aura with Harmony and Light
– Chant Om & send divine healing to all waters, glaciers, and icecaps
– Chant Om & send divine healing to all forests, plants, & creatures
– Chant Om & send divine healing throughout the atmosphere and air
Envision the Planet as Vibrant, Healthy, and Happy.

Drop the arms, rub the palms again to renew the sense of energy flow then raise the palms up once more and resume directing energy…

5.) For Social Healing

– Chant Om & send divine healing to races
– Chant Om & send divine healing to all nations
– Chant Om & send divine healing to all faiths
Envision all Societies Living Together in Love, Light, Cooperative Harmony, & Divine Understanding

When finished, simply stop, give thanks, and ask that Divine Will be done.

These techniques are of genuine value and much needed these days. I sincerely encourage readers to practice them daily, and if so inclined, to share them with others and join together in group practice whenever possible.

God Bless.



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21 Oct

Why Wells Fargo’s Misconduct Should Make You Think Twice About Sinking Investments in Your Company’s Stock

Many people think it makes sense to invest in shares of the company that they work for. Intuitively, it makes sense, since as a full time employee, you have a better grasp on the growth of the company and will be updated daily on its growth, new products and other important information. In fact, many companies offer special employee stock purchase plans where employees are able to buy shares at a discounted rate compared to the market price. This can make it extremely tempting, and many employees do purchase enormous amounts of stock in shares of the company that employs them for both their retirement accounts and personal accounts. But is this actually a good idea?

The percentage of companies offering employer stock as an investment option in a 401(k) has decreased in recent years but is still significant. According to human capital consulting firm Aon Hewitt, for all companies –public and private – the percentage offering employer stock was 34% last year, down 5% from 2013. However, among companies with publicly traded stock, the percentage is a whopping 63%.

Unfortunately, employees of Wells Fargo took the bait and loaded up on shares of their company’s stock. A recent investigation revealed that the company knew that its stock price was bloated and yet still did nothing to warn employees to reduce their share purchases. In the aftermath of the recent fraud case against the company, Wells Fargo’s stock price has plummeted 12%. This has left many investors in the red. For employees who own substantial amounts of shares, the losses are even more significant.  Wells Fargo is not alone; similar proposed class action lawsuits have also been brought by employees of Whole Foods, BP, and RadioShack to name a few.

Think about what would happen to you and your family if you worked for Enron and decided to put all of your retirement savings into shares of Enron stock. Here is an excerpt from a New York Times article dated 2001:

The rapid decline of the Enron Corporation has devastated its employees’ retirement plan, which was heavy with company stock, and has infuriated workers, who were prohibited from changing their investments as the stock plunged.

Through the 401(k) retirement plan, employees chose to put much of their savings in Enron shares, and the company made contributions in company stock as well. But around the time Enron disclosed serious financial problems last month, the company froze the assets in the plan because of an administrative change. For several weeks, as the stock lost much of its value, workers stood by helplessly as their retirement savings evaporated. They were not allowed to switch investments at all — even though the plan had far less risky choices.

The unfortunate timing caps a year of pain for Enron’s workers. At the end of last year, the 401(k) plan had $2.1 billion in assets. More than half was invested in Enron, an energy conglomerate. Since then, the stock has lost 94 percent of its value.

At Portland General Electric, the Oregon utility acquired by Enron four years ago, some workers nearing retirement have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. The utility has lined up grief counselors to help them work through their problems.

”We had some married couples who both worked who lost as much as $800,000 or $900,000,” said Steve Lacey, an emergency-repair dispatcher for Portland General. ”It pretty much wiped out every employee’s savings plan.”

The other dangerous issue that comes up when buying shares of the company you work for is insider trading. You can get in a lot of trouble if you trade stock in advance of public knowledge, where you would benefit from that knowledge to make huge gains or protect yourself from losses. As an insider and a full time employee at your company, you will have access to all kinds of information before the public, especially at executive levels. It can be very hard to keep track of what has been made public and what hasn’t. One wrong trade can get you in deep trouble with the SEC, a government agency that can impose large fines on you and even jail time.

The last problem with investing in your company’s stock is simple to understand: you have all of your eggs in one basket. If the company goes under, the value of your stock will plummet (possibly to 0) and your regular income is lost as your paychecks cease. This kind of financial hit can be devastating to recover from. With so many other investments to choose from, it’s just not worth the temptation to put all your investment dollars into a single company.

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