I was born in the middle of America. My mother was of Cherokee descent and my father, a flaming Irishman. I can remember always “knowing” things, even as child. It was confusing for me, because I found that many things around me just didn’t seem to “fit”. I would frequently find myself wondering why my parents did or believed certain things.
When I was 3 1/2 years old we lived on the island of Adak for about a year and a half. At the time, Adak was a Navy island located in the Aleutian chain off the coast of Alaska. It’s truly the middle of nowhere, about 700-800 miles from the tip of Russia. It’s wet, cold, strange and mysterious and the earth quakes up to 14 times a week. Its silence is deafening. It’s a place where you can see forever. I believe that my inner soul began its journey on that island.
My early years were fraught with insecurity and wandering, trying to find the real me along with deeper more important connections that I knew had to be there. What a very long journey that has been.
Those insecure years made me search for more answers. There is an answer for everything in the Universe. It may take time to find it, but it is there.
Through study and meditation I began to realize that my inner self had been trying to break through all my life. The weird feelings, tremendous uneasiness and anxiety began to speak to me instead of torture me. The relief was immeasurable. I knew I had to find a way to take my discovery out to those who sought the relief I had found. There are so many of us out there. So I began to teach what I call an Inner Development Series. I love it. I’ve seen people grow by leaps and bounds as a result of a little bit of trust and effort.
My bottomless love of music led me to major in that subject in college. Music always has and always will nurture and feed me. I create and use tones that I feel are healing and soothing in my audio meditations. I offer the meditations as my gift here.
It took me many years to realize that I had a gift in the area of clairvoyance. It wasn’t until I was in my thirties that I began to pay particular attention to that. Even then it was a friend that clued me in to my gift.
I’ve spent the last 30 years as a professional Clairvoyant. I’ve consulted with people of all walks of life, including Doctors, Corporate Executives, Lawyers, Teachers, Film & Television Producers, Actors, Housewives and Entrepreneurs etc.
I formed a very unique group of Sensitives that work from time to time on missing children’s cases and was on the board of directors for the United Sensitives of America. But I get the most gratification teaching others to find that “thing” inside of them that knows the truth, and knows what to do in any given situation. It changes everything for them as it did for me.
For decades I was a single mother. Raising my son and daughter has been the greatest privilege of my entire life.
Later in life, I met and married the man of my dreams...my true soul mate. He was a creative genius, an Emmy winner and prolific writer and producer of some of the world’s most successful and beloved television shows.
Suddenly and unexpectedly my precious soul mate died in my arms on April 23, 2017 and my world crashed like a meteor striking earth at epic speed.
I am a spiritual seeker. My beloved Chris was a spiritual seeker. I know that the pain of losing him couldn’t be so cutting if the life we were given together hadn’t be so amazing. So I have to know how blessed I was to have him here with me. He visits me often. Our love and relationship continues.
I believe that we are all blessed with the ability to “know”. I also believe we are here to love and support one another, and to learn from one another.
My life took a very big turn when I decided to use my inner gifts publicly.
The American Buffalo once roamed the grasslands of North America in magnificent and vast herds. They became nearly extinct by a mix of commercial hunting, and mass slaughter in the 19thcentury and the introduction of bovine deceases from domestic cattle nearly finished them off. Fortunately they have recently made a comeback in a few national parks and reserves.
The American Buffalo is the national mammal of the United States, and so it should be.
I love to think of animals as our guides in life. We so often miss what they are trying to tell us. When we use Totem Animal Spirit, it connects us to our ancestry, the earth and the ancient symbols we’ve lost through modernism.
There’s nothing wrong with progress or modernism. It’s just not enough to fill the deep well of our consciousness that is tethered to our beginning and to the journey toward home.
As with all symbols, we have an opportunity to sit and contemplate a richer definition that can inform us in a swift and gently way, enlightening us as we sit quietly. Symbols take us into the fabric of our creativity and knowing.
Native Americans have always considered Buffalo a power animal. When we contemplate with Buffalo we are asked to walk a more sacred path and to engage with Mother Earth and Father Sky.
Buffalo brings prosperity to those that have an open heart and seek to live in harmony with all life in the universe. You really begin to know and live like Buffalo when all relationships are honored and kept as sacred and when you feel and express gratitude for all parts of your life and for all of creation.
The large head indicates great intellect and the horns reach toward the sky, hinting at a connection with higher thinking.
Buffalo will carry your burden if you are willing to give it up. The symbol of release is in the eyes of this brave and beautiful creature. Don’t hang on to what does not serve your highest good.
If you are burdened, close your eyes and see Buffalo. He/she is the symbol of caring and compassion, strength and power. You don’t need to say anything. Breathe and release. The Buffalo can carry the load. Lay it down, say thank you and carry on.