When I started this blog, my intent was to write a little something everyday… so
much for those plans! But isn’t this so true of everything these days? Life just
gets in the way. Or does it? Are we really doing what we want to do? I guess this
is the big philosophical question.
There are a lot of blogs out there. I guess I thought that if I kind of put my journal entries online that it would spur me to write more. I’ve kept diaries on and
off over the years – but since I’ve had kids it’s mostly been off. I’d start… and then pick it up months later and forget what the heck I was talking about way back
So, here we are. New Year’s Resolutions time. Mine is to write in this blog once a
week. I think I can do that.
What are your resolutions? Let’s talk about it. Post to the discussion board and
we’ll share!