Autumn in California
I live in California, in the U.S. It’s Autumn here now, but you can’t really tell. People here wear flip-flops on their feet to the grocery store pretty much year-round! My husband is from Australia, where it is now Spring. Seasons change wherever we are. Change is natural, and yet, how often do we fight it? Mark Twain once said that the only person who welcomes change is a wet baby! Change can bring with it a freshness, a newness, a beginning. There are so many transition times in life where change is thrust upon us. Growing up, certainly. I see change in my teenagers everyday and I feel like time is going by so quickly! Moving, changing schools, marriage, divorce, re-marriage, babies, step-children, jobs, careers, losses, it’s just a part of life as we know it, a part of being human and living in this world. Some things we can’t change. But we can change how we deal with each situation. We can see change as an opportunity to learn and to grow. We can use the experience to learn more about ourselves and our world.
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Lissa Coffey is an author, media personality, and the founder of (Reprinted with permission Copyright © Bamboo Entertainment, Inc.)