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Internet Movie Database
04 Jan

He’s Just Not That Into You

Grade: C

The title is taken from the bestselling book, but I don’t know how much of the advice from that non-fiction book made it into the fictionalized movie.  Stellar cast: Jennifer Aniston, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Connelly, Bradley Cooper, Ginnifer Goodwin, Scarlett Johanssen, and more – must have been a big budget just on the cast.  No special effects or amazing locations – just big name actors.

While the cast is appealing – the storyline is dismal.  It basically plays out that women are needy and clueless and hopelessly romantic.  And men are insensitive and selfish.  There are several intertwined stories, the characters are all connected in some way or another.  Some of the scenarios play cute and get laughs, they’re light and funny.  Other scenes are painful and heartbreaking… and not necessarily meant to be so.  There’s a lot to relate to, with so many characters going through typical relationship “stuff.”  This time of year, that lull between New Year’s and the Oscar’s, there’s slim pickings at the theatre, and this is just one example.

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04 Jan

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Grade: B+

This is the 5th movie in the Harry Potter series, and as the characters (and the actors) are getting older, the themes are getting more mature.  The movie is dark, a little scary even, the villains are more sinister.  This one is rated PG-13.  I have not read the books, though some people tell me that the books are better than the movies – which seems to be the case in most adaptations.  But what is great is that you don’t have to have read the books to understand the movie.  And you really don’t even have to have seen the previous movies to understand the current one out.  Although I think you will enjoy it more having that background.  The young actors are all very good in their roles.  I look forward to the next two in the series!
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04 Jan

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Grade: B+

The fourth movie in the series, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire follows Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione into their 4th year at Hogwarts Academy. They’re more grown up now, at age 14, and the movie certainly is, too. This is the first Potter film to be rated PG-13, and it is a rating that is well placed. It’s more dark, more serious, more heavy than the previous three films. And there’s more violence. The characters are just as rich, and there are a few humorous moments – but overall this is much more of a drama than a comedy. Great story-telling, and the actors are wonderful. It does help if you’ve seen the other films, there is a lot of back-story where it makes it much more enjoyable if you know what went on previously. Looking forward to the next one!
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04 Jan

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Grade: A-

It’s the finale! And what a finale it is. After 7 previous Harry Potter films we’ve seen these kids grow up, the action culminate and the loose ends all tie up nicely in a final story that helps it all to make sense.  You really have to be a Potter fan to enjoy this film – and if you are it is deeply satisfying.  I haven’t read the books, but I’ve seen all of the movies.  The problem for me is remembering the previous storylines in between the films because they pretty much pick up where they left off.  It would be nice to have a little re-cap or something for us “old folks!”  But other than that – it’s a worthwhile series, and a it has a cult-like following, hence the record-breaking box-office numbers!  I can see some Potter marathons coming now that they’ve wrapped it all up.
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04 Jan

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Grade: B

I have not read the Harry Potter books, but I have seen all of the Harry Potter movies.  I think it would be easier to see all of the movies on consecutive days to remember everything.  If you’re new to the Harry Potter series, you really need to start at the beginning, you can’t come jumping in with The Deathly Hallows part 1 because there’s so much back story you have to know for it all to make sense.  Since there’s at least a year in between movies, it’s understandable that only die-hard fans would be able to keep up with everything!

The movie is very well done, excellent effects, strong characters, amazing locations. And the actors have worked together, and grown up together throughout the series so they have a natural chemistry.  One standout for me is Helena Bonham Carter as the witch Bellatrix – she’s so over the top campy, scary and fun!  Highly recommended if you are a HP fan or if you want to know how the whole thing is going to finally resolve.  We’ve got a lot invested in this series and it would be nice to see how it ends.  We’ll have to stay tuned for Deathly Hallows Part 2!

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04 Jan


Grade: B

You can’t go wrong with a Will Smith movie. Especially when it opens 4th of July weekend.  Hancock is no exception.  But in this film, Will Smith plays an entirely different character from the ones he has played before.  John Hancock is cynical, wounded, a lost soul who just happens to have super-hero powers.  He’s also an amnesiac, and although he can perform these amazing physical feats, he can’t seem to remember who he is or how he got here.

Having alienated much of Los Angeles with his antics, in comes savvy PR executive Jason Bateman to save the day, and Hancock’s reputation.  An odd, but convenient, friendship is formed as Hancock begins to frequent Jason’s home.  Charlize Theron plays Jason Bateman’s wife,  who has her own reasons for wanting Hancock to keep his distance.

A fun movie with lots of humor, tons of special effects.  Another blockbuster for Smith, another summer movie for all of us!

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04 Jan


Grade: A+

My absolutely FAVORITE movie of the year so far!  Wow!  I couldn’t stop smiling all through it –  I was tapping my toes, I wanted to get up in the aisles and dance!!!  This is my kind of movie.  I haven’t seen the stage version, or the 1988 original film by John Waters, so I can’t compare this new film to its predecessors, but I believe this Hairspray is destined to be a classic – I absolutely LOVE it!

I had my doubts about John Travolta in the role of Edna Turnblatt, but he is absolutely precious!  And Nikki Blonsky couldn’t be better.  Zac Efron, who made a name for himself in High School Musical, is just darling.  Michelle Pfeiffer is a hoot.  James Marsden has the moves, and a GREAT voice – who’d have known?  He’s so hot – always my favorite in the X-Men movies, this guy has talent!  And Queen Latifah – LOVE her, as always, she’s just awesome.  Everyone is just really good.  The music is wonderful, the choreography is fantastic.  I hope to see this movie have lots and lots of nominations come awards time, because it deserves it.  The best part, you leave the theatre humming and smiling – and SO glad you had the experience.  Go see Hairspray!

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04 Jan


Grade: A-

Gravity can’t be compared to any other movie because it is truly original.  If there’s one word to describe it, it would be “intense.”  The movie is just one hour 40 minutes, but you walk out feeling like you’ve had a work-out.

And if I got that worn out just sitting through the movie, I can’t even imagine how worn out Sandra Bullock was after shooting all of these physically demanding scenes!

In Gravity, Sandra Bullock plays a rookie astronaut/scientist on her first flight, with veteran astronaut George Clooney. When trouble hits, the two of them must figure out how to save themselves and get back home.

It’s fascinating that there is so much story here, yet so little dialogue.

Visual effects are remarkable.  I’m sure there will be lots of nominations for this one, Best Actress, Best Director, Visual Effects and more.

This is one of those movies that is better seen on the big screen.  And see it in 3D if you can – really worth it!

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04 Jan

Gran Torino

Grade: A

Clint Eastwood directs and stars as Walt Kowalski in “Gran Torino.”  Walt is a crusty old Korean war veteran with two grown sons.  He’s just lost his wife and is unhappy about changes to his neighborhood, including the new Hmong family who has moved next door.  Walt’s a racist, with a lot of issues, but he’s got a solid inner compass.  The family next door ends up becoming his extended family.  This is a time of turmoil in Detroit, and gangs are running rampant.  Walt takes it upon himself to try to correct the situation.  This is a touching, funny, earnest and heart-felt movie.  Brilliantly directed, and beautifully acted.  One of this year’s best movies.  Expect many accolades come awards time.
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04 Jan

Good Night and Good Luck

Grade: A-

Good Night and Good Luck is the true story of Edward R. Murrow and all that was going on with the McCarthy hearings around that time. David Straithern is totally Edward R. Murrow – you forget he’s acting! George Clooney directs, and plays Murrow’s producer, Fred Friendly. Clooney’s character definitely takes a back seat to Murrow, who is up front and on the air during the whole controversy, but he is no less involved. The movie plays more like a documentary than a feature film. It is shot in black and white, without a soundtrack. Wonderful supporting performances from Patricia Clarkson and Robert Downey Jr. There is lots of authentic footage from news at the time. It’s really a history lesson. So although it is an amazing movie, it’s not for everyone – it’s definitely for the true film fan.
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