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Internet Movie Database
04 Jan

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

Grade: B

 In this movie, a prequel to the series featuring the same character, Chris Pine plays Jack Ryan.  We first see him as a financial analyst, super sharp.  Before long he gets recruited into the CIA.  Thinking it’s basically a desk job, he has no idea what he’s gotten himself into! Before long, he uncovers a Russian plot to crash the U.S. economy with a terrorist attack.

His mentor in the CIA is none other than Kevin Costner, who has seen his share of action, and action movies.  And Jack Ryan’s love interest is the lovely Keira Knightley.

Kenneth Branagh directs. Fun movie for date night.

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04 Jan

Iron Man 2

Grade: C+

The first blockbuster of the summer season opened strong, and set records.  Robert Downey Jr reprises his role as Tony Stark, megamillionaire and owner/inventor of the Iron Man suit that has been keeping the world safe and at peace.  But it comes with a price – Tony’s own health is suffering, so he has to find a solution to this problem before his time runs out.

Sam Rockwell is the comic relief this time around, and Mickey Rourke is the villain – an evil scientist who seeks revenge on Tony.  Gwyneth Paltrow is the love interest, once secretary and now CEO.  And Scarlett Johansson is the new mystery woman.  Don Cheadle takes over the role of best buddy.

Interesting premise – but when it all comes down to it – it’s still a comic book come to life.  There’s all the predictable elements, including the big show-down at the end with all the iron man’s fighting in an over-the-top display of metal on metal. Sorry, but… yawn.

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04 Jan

Iron Man

Grade: B+

Another big hit from Marvel!  Iron Man is a character straight out of their comic book series – and this movie takes the best of the book, adds a contemporary twist, and puts it up on the big screen.

Robert Downey Jr. has the title role.  His alter ego, weapons specialist and technological genius Tony Stark is kidnapped by war terrorists and forced to re-create one of his super-weapons.  Smart guy that he is, he makes up an iron suit and explodes his way to freedom.  I have always loved Robert Downey Jr. as an actor and it is so great to see him in a role like this where he can really shine.

Back home, pretty assistant Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow slumming it in a supporting role) has newfound meaning in Tony’s life.  Tony’s mentor, a creepy looking bald Jeff Daniels, ends up having ulterior motives.

Great dialog, strong characters and lots of action.  Maybe too much cartoonish action when two Iron Mans get to battling it out.

No surprise that the movie pulled in over $100 million its first weekend and is already slated for a sequel.

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04 Jan


Grade: A-

I’m a sucker for true stories with happy endings. Disney does those well, and this one is no exception. Mark Wahlberg plays Vince Papale, a 30 year old bartender in 1976 Philadelphia who makes the Eagle’s football team on an open try out. It’s touch and go, but the coach, played by Greg Kinnear (busy guy these days!) gives him a shot because “he’s got heart.” It’s just what the team, and the city needs at this time. It’s like a real life “Rocky” story – you’ll smile, and cheer.  Paige Turco (I remember her as “Lainie” from All My Children!) is beautiful as the coach’s wife.  Elizabeth Banks is Janet, Giants fan and Vince’s love interest.  Great for the whole family!
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04 Jan

Into the Wild

Grade: A

Into the Wild is based on the book, which is the true story of Christopher McCandless. Chris graduates from college, and basically drops out of society to live life in the wild, all on his own. We learn about Chris’ childhood as the movie progresses, and his motivation for doing something so seemingly extreme. He gives away his life savings, burns up all of his identity cards, and changes his name to Alex Supertramp.

The movie is about all the adventures and life lessons that Chris encounters on this journey. He soon finds that it’s not so much about the trip to Alaska, as it is the journey within. This is a very spiritual movie, one that stays with you long after it’s over.

Emile Hirsch stars as Chris. He is absolutely amazing in the role. I’m so surprised he didn’t get a nomination. Sean Penn directs. I heard that Sean Penn got the rights to the book, and then he waited until the family was ready before he started working on the project. He was very sensitive to their feelings. Hal Holbrook has a small part as a sage and friend that Chris meets along the way, and he was nominated as Best Supporting Actor for the role.

Rated R – it’s heavy, very emotional. A good one to see with your teen. Opens up a lot of questions for discussion.

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04 Jan

Inside Man

Grade: A-
Nice cat and mouse caper – very engaging and entertaining. Denzel Washington is always good, and he’s so good in this role as a hostage negotiator. Jodie Foster stirs things up as a tense and manipulative politico with her own agenda. Clive Owen, who should be voted “Sexiest Man Alive” is the super smart bank robber. This is one of those cases where the bad guy is so clever that you’re kind of rooting for him. A couple of jarring scenes, but not too violent. Keeps you guessing, which is rare these days with so many recycled plots.
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04 Jan

Inglorious Basterds

Grade: B+

Be prepared.  This is a Quentin Tarantino movie, so that usually means lots of violence – even if some of the violence makes you laugh uncomfortably.  The villain is so over-the-top you expect him to twirl his moustache!  Set during the Nazi war, Brad Pitt heads a group of rebel soldiers who have taken on the task of basically hunting and killing Nazi soldiers.  It’s an intricate storyline, that comes together magnificently in the end.  Inglorious Basterds earned many Oscar noms, and you can definitely understand why.  Completely original, well acted, well written.
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04 Jan


Grade: A

Inception is by far the best picture I’ve seen this year.  It is AMAZING in so many ways.  Fresh, original, it’s a psychological thriller and a love story.  It asks big questions, and gets you thinking.

Christopher Nolan both wrote and directed this feature.  And I’m sure he will be nominated in at least one of these categories come awards time.

The premise is that through dreams, we can create reality.  And when we can enter another person’s dreams, we can either obtain information, or plant ideas (hence the term Inception) that can alter reality.

Leonardo DiCaprio is Dom, a specialist in this field with big issues.  He gets an assignment so big that if successful, it will allow him to leave the business, and the personal demons he has encountered along the way, with it.  His team is equally committed, and creative.  Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ellen Page are curious and intelligent, as well as likable.  We totally buy into this adventure that they are taking us on.

You have to pay close attention to this movie to keep track of everything.  There are many “layers” of dreaming, so simultaneous storylines are going on with the same characters.  The pace is quick, and the stakes are high, I found myself holding my breath at certain points of the film!

There are few movies I’d see twice in a short period of time, but I would definitely see this one again – There is so much going on I want to see what I missed the first time around!

Some violence.

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04 Jan

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Grade: A-

This newest Indiana Jones is not just a throwback to the action movies of the ’50s – it’s also a throwback to the first Indiana Jones movies which came out almost 20 years ago!  Harrison Ford in the title role is just as good.  Karen Allen reprises her role as love interest and they take up right where they left off.  Shia LeBeof comes in as Indy’s long lost son and does a terrific job.  The movie is campy, fun and fast-paced with lots of humor and plenty of action.
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04 Jan

In Her Shoes

Grade: A

There was a point when I was sitting there watching “In Her Shoes” where I was thinking – this movie is so good, I hope it doesn’t end too soon! We’re first introduced to two sisters, seemingly opposites. Rose is played by Toni Collette – she’s the “good girl” – the smart and sensible one with a job but not really a life. Then there’s Maggie, played by Cameron Diaz. Maggie lives life on the edge, didn’t finish school, can’t keep a job, and gets on everyone’s nerves. Her big sister feels responsible for her and comes to her rescue once too often. When Maggie hits rock bottom, she discovers a grandmother she never knew she had. Ella, played by the glorious Shirley MacLaine, lives in a retirement village in Florida. When Maggie enters the picture, she shakes up Ella’s life, and causes her to look at decisions she made in the past. This is a movie about relationships, about learning from each other and growing together. There are plenty of laughs – so don’t let your guy stay home because it’s a “chick flick” – he’ll enjoy it, too! By the way, I’m a huge Shirley MacLaine fan – did you know she has a website? It’s great! http://www.shirleymaclaine.com
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