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Internet Movie Database
04 Jan

Morning Glory

Grade: A-

Morning Glory is such a fun movie!  Rachel McAdams stars as the optimistic, determined new producer at a low rated morning talk show.  Diane Keaton is delightful as the co-anchor who is jaded by the business yet up for a challenge.  And Harrison Ford is the grumpy former newsman who is roped into the other co-anchor position that he feels is beneath him.

Lots of laughs, and warm fuzzies – I love this kind of movie where you can just sit back and enjoy the performances, the writing, the overall story.  Very satisfying.

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04 Jan

Moonrise Kingdom

Grade: A

Moonrise Kingdom stars Frances McDormand, Ed Norton, Bill Murray and Bruce Willis.  Directed by Wes Anderson, it has that campy feel he’s so famous for.  This is a movie lover’s movie.  Two misfit 12 year olds find each other and strike up a childhood romance.  When they run away together, this affects the whole community.  Everything about this film is visual candy: the costumes, the colors, and the sets.  The story is touching, sweet, and funny. The acting is wonderful – the characters are believable and likeable.  This is one of my favorites so far this year.  Highly recommended.
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04 Jan

Monster in Law

Grade: B+

It’s worth it to go see Monster in Law just to see Jane Fonda back in action again. This girl can chew scenery with the best of them! And she certainly has fun as the title character in this movie. Jennifer Lopez is her future daughter-in-law/victim. The character is a little too saccharin to be believable – it’s like this girl can do no wrong, she’s perfect in every way, so why would a mom object? But it’s fun watching them tangle with each other. Michael Vartan is pretty much an after thought, a pretty face – it’s really the woman’s movie this time. And Wanda Sykes is excellent as Fonda’s assistant – she’s sassy and smart, an excellent foil for her boss. Requisite happy ending, and a sigh of relief at the end. One big happy family!
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04 Jan

Monster House

Grade: C

I don’t really know how to characterize this movie.  It’s an animated film from Steven Spielberg and Robert Zemeckis.  We saw it at one of the theatres that was showing it in 3D, so that experience was kind of cool.  The story is interesting, involving a haunted house that terrorizes some neighborhood kids.  But in many parts I felt it was too scary for the PG audience it was intended for.  Maybe the kids handled it better because it was animated – in live action I think they would have just cried.  And in other parts it’s really too much of a kid’s movie for teens or adults.

The resolution scene is WAY too long – it could have been done in half the time.  I also thought it was WAY too loud.  Is that because I’m WAY too old for this movie?  I hope not!  Anyhow, all’s well that ends well – stick around for the end because the kids will see that no one was actually killed by the house so they won’t get nightmares about it.  Neat and tidy, all ends tied up and everyone’s happy by the closing credits.

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04 Jan

Mission Impossible 3

Grade: C

Cut to the chase:  I would have liked this movie SO much better if anyone other than Tom Cruise were in it!  That’s just the way it is – I’m sick of this guy, his ego, and his one-note acting.  Sorry, but I can’t help it.  The action seens were really well done, I have to give J.J. Abrams props for that.  The storyline was pretty by-the-numbers.  Why is it the good guy doesn’t just kill the bad guy when he has a chance?  Doesn’t that drive you nuts?  Because you KNOW the bad guy is going to get away and wreak havoc on the good guy’s life, girlfriend, fiance, wife, child, fill-in-the-blank.  And you KNOW that one of the good guy’s bosses is really going to turn out to be in cahoots with the bad guys.  Yawn.  Seen it all before.  I can think of many better ways to spend my time and money than with this tired old tale.
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04 Jan

Miss Potter

Grade: A

There’s a lot to love about “Miss Potter.”  The whole movie is sweet and sentimental, with gorgeous landscapes, and well-defined characters.  It helps that it’s a true story, basically the biography of Beatrix Potter, the famous children’s book author.  Renee Zellweger is wonderful in the role – strong, sassy, and clever, a talent and a great mind who refuses to be confined by society’s definition of a young lady’s place.  Ewan MacGregor is her love interest, the young publisher assigned to her first book.  I love him – and we even are treated to a little bit of his singing voice.  It’s great to see how this woman emerged as one of the best loved authors of all time, and how she contributed to both the field of literature and her country for generations to come
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04 Jan

Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day

Grade: A

The always-wonderful Frances McDormand plays Miss Pettigrew, a down on her luck nanny without a job.  She stumbles her way into an interview, and ends up spending the day as a social secretary.  Amy Adams, hot off of “Enchanted,” plays Delysia LaFosse, an aspiring actress/socialite in London at the beginning of World War 2. The two need each other, and end up helping each other.

Sweet, lovely, fun, whimsical.  Loved it!

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04 Jan

Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous

Grade: B-

The sequel to Miss Congeniality, which came out about 3 years ago, actually takes place on screen 3 weeks after the pageant that launched our FBI heroine Gracie into the spotlight. No need to see the first movie to catch on to the background – it’s all pretty much spelled out in the first 10 minutes. This time it’s much more of a buddy movie, and Sandra Bullock’s sidekick is Regina Hall. Of course, the two are mismatched, and reluctant partners, but they end up finding common ground and working together to save the day. Some silly slapstick moments, but it’s still good to see two strong women having such a good time!
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04 Jan


Grade: A

I was hesitant to go see Millions. I was afraid it was going to be another of those “dead mother” movies where the kid is cute but suffering. There haven’t been many movies I’m dying to see lately, so I finally went to see this one. And I am SO glad I did. I loved it! Sweet story, little boy finds a fortune, has to figure out how to handle it. Tells his big brother, now he’s got a shared secret. The characters are real and warm and remarkably deep. The acting is first rate. There are wonderful, touching, and funny moments throughout – this one is really worth seeing.
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04 Jan

Million Dollar Baby

Grade: A

Clint Eastwood is back on my good list. The past few movies of his that I’ve seen have had him cast as the romantic leading man opposite some beautiful, much-younger girl. It was a little unsettling. I kept thinking: this guy needs to act his age! Well, guess what? In “Million Dollar Baby” he does! And he is SO good! Not only does he star in this remarkable film, he directs it, too. And he writes the music! Wow. Good for you, Clint!

Set in the world of professional boxing, this is really a movie about relationships. First you’ve got the bickering husband and wife type of relationship between best buddies Clint and his right-hand-man at the boxing gym, the always-amazing Morgan Freeman. If I have any constructive criticism for these two if would be to enunciate a little more, please. They both have this gruff, kind of under-the-breath mumble that made some of the dialogue difficult to interpret.

Hilary Swank – (gotta love her!) – comes into their lives as a scrappy young thing with ambitions of becoming a professional wrestler. Maybe not so young, at age 31 she is deemed too old to embark on such a career. Clint initially blows her off, but her persistence pays off and she eventually wins him over. They begin a manager/trainee, mentor/mentee, shadowed by a father/daughter type of relationship. They have to trust each other. We’re left wondering why his real daughter keeps returning his letters unopened – and why he goes to mass to pray everyday. This is a man with a past, but his new protégé sees him for who he is today, and that gives new meaning to his life.

It’s no surprise that Hilary Swank won for Best Actress in a drama at the Golden Globes this year. Her performance is riveting. She totally embodies this character, and this is a tough part to play. Physically and emotionally very demanding. And our buddy Clint went home with the Golden Globe for Best Director for a drama! He deserves it. There is definitely a tone set which makes “Million Dollar Baby” a classic. In a time where we are subjected to remakes, sequels, and excessive violence, this movie stands on its own as truly original. It’s a filmmaker’s film. You really care for these people, and get caught up in their lives. Well done.

By the way, Hilary Swank is also nominated for a Screen Actors Guild Award for this performance, and the cast of “Million Dollar Baby” is nominated for their ensemble performance.

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