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Internet Movie Database
04 Jan

No Country For Old Men

Grade: B-

No Country For Old Men is kind of beyond description.  It is definitely an original.  And it’s not for everyone’s tastes, this is not a “mainstream” movie.  It’s not just violent, it’s about violence – and the world that it is set in is a very violent world.  The cast is amazing – Josh Brolin, Tommy Lee Jones, Woody Harrelson, Javier Bardem.  It’s hard to tell who is crazy and who is sane, who is “good” and who is “bad” – everyone has an agenda, and everyone has a gun.  Josh Brolin plays a guy who happens upon a drug deal gone bad, dead bodies, drugs, and a bunch of money.  He takes the money, then makes the mistake of returning to the scene right when some other bad guys come back.  This set into motion a crazy chase that goes on for much of the movie.  Javier Bardem is the worst, craziest, scariest one – he treats the whole thing like a game.

The tone is very dark, no music, very sparse settings and dialogue.  Interesting, creative, and  disturbing all at the same time.

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04 Jan

Never Let Me Go

Grade: A-

Never Let Me Go is dark, haunting and mysterious – you can tell that even just by the previews.  You’re not really sure what it’s about, or what is going to happen.  But in this case, that’s a good thing!  The movie is kind of science fiction/drama/romance.  The cast is amazing.  Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightley and Andrew Garfield star.  There really should be an Oscar category for casting directors. There are a set of younger actors that play the same characters as kids at school, and they are spot on, each one of them.

I don’t want to give too much away, because that’s the best part about the movie, guessing how it’s going to unfold.  Just know that it’s really worth seeing.  Beautiful performances, utterly original.

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04 Jan


Grade: C+

An aging, booze-addled father (Bruce Dern) makes the trip from Montana to Nebraska with his estranged son (Will Forte) in order to claim a million-dollar Mega Sweepstakes Marketing prize. This is a father-son road trip with some surprises along the way, and a few heartfelt moments. June Squib and Bruce Dern were both nominated for Academy Awards for their performances.  Stacey Keach plays an old nemesis who stirs things back up again.  Well written, nice messages about family and what’s really important in life. Shot in black and white. A bit slow going, but charming.
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04 Jan

National Treasure 2

Grade: A-

I think I like this sequel better than the original!  It’s a romp – pure adventure, lots of fun.  The whole cast reprise their roles.  Nicholas Cage is Ben Franklin Gates, Treasure Hunter and Historian.  Jon voight is his dad.  This time Helen Mirren comes in, (love her!) as his mom.  Diana Kruger is his wife, maybe soon to be ex.  Ed Harris is the bad guy.  They all have a lot of fun together.  Reminiscent of Indiana Jones.  Oh, and Bruce Greenwood is the president – isn’t he ALWAYS the president?  In this one they’re solving who shot Lincoln and they travel to England and France and Mt. Rushmore to do it.  Wonderful locations!
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04 Jan

National Treasure

Grade: A-

This is one of those fun movies that the whole family will enjoy! I just loved it. It’s an old-fashioned adventure movie, with a hero (played Nicolas Cage) who has his heart in the right place. It reminded me a little of Indiana Jones. There’s never a dull moment, you’re along for the ride all the way. It’s got some light, clean humor to it, which is very refreshing! Some warm messages about family, too. Take the kids. You’ll have a good time!
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04 Jan

My Super Ex-Girlfriend

Grade: C

Standard comedy.  Uma Thurman is the Superhero, “G-Girl” and Luke Wilson is her boyfriend.  They meet cute, date, and he’s blown away by her “abilities” until he discovers she’s just a little bit crazy.  He’s really in love with his co-worker, Anna Faris – but dumping G-Girl is no easy task.  Hilarity ensues – in the form of disaster and destruction and over-the-top hijinx.  Silly, and a little stupid, but not terrible.
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04 Jan

Must Love Dogs

Grade: B

Romantic comedies are my favorite – and we don’t get enough of them anymore. Remember the Preston Sturges movies, or anything with Claudette Colbert? “Must Love Dogs” is not quite in that league, but it attempts to be. John Cusack has done enough romantic comedies to have the rhythm down. He’s charming, but flawed – endearing, and imperfect. Diane Lane is the romantic lead. This girl can do no wrong. She has this quality that really comes through on film – she was so good in “Under the Tuscan Sun” and “A Walk on the Moon.” She’s beautiful, but real, and that’s rare for a movie star. Then we’ve got Dermot Mulroney as the requisite cad so that there’s a triangle going on – but we don’t buy that one for a minute. His character is predictably slimy, and I think Diane would be too smart to fall for him even for a minute. Christopher Plummer has a nice turn as Diane’s charming Irish dad. And the always awesome Stockard Channing has a fun role, too. But there’s nothing really magical about this movie. It’s one cliche after another. It’s a by-the-book romantic comedy that doesn’t surprise us in any way. Still, it’s cute. Especially in a summer like this one where the pickin’s are slim!
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04 Jan

Mrs. Henderson Presents

Grade: B

Dame Judy Densch has the title role. The movie is based on the true story of a widow who bought an old theatre house in London during World War 1 and turned the place into a refuge for young soldiers. The shows weren’t just “girly” shows, they were uplifting and inspiring to these guys who saw battle every day. It’s a great story, with a strong cast. Wonderful costumes. Yes, some naked girls… and men, too! So if you’re sensitive to that beware! But it’s all done very tastefully and with a sense of humor. Fun movie worth seeing.
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04 Jan

Mr. Brooks

Grade: C

Kevin Costner is back.  Maybe he didn’t go anywhere, I just haven’t seen him in anything lately – there was that movie with Ashton Kutcher that he did, something about rescuing people in the water… but I didn’t see that.  Anyhow, this time he’s playing a bad guy.  A REALLY bad guy.  The kind of bad guy who goes around looking like a good guy and everyone thinks he’s just this normal businessman, active in the community, with a nice home, pretty wife, sweet daughter.  But no, this guy has an addiction, a secret addiction… to killing!  Yikes!  You’d think that would be a hard secret to keep, but somehow Mr. Brooks manages to get away with it.  That is, until he gets a little sloppy and someone watches him during one of his episodes.  But then, that guy is pretty much a bad guy, too, so he’s in luck, and doesn’t get turned in.

When the sweet daughter comes home from college, under suspicious circumstances, Mr. Brooks has some hard choices to make.  But, since this is a movie, and the story is propelled by drama, he makes all the wrong choices.

Demi Moore is the detective who is on his trail, but who can’t get more than one step behind him.  She’s going through a nasty divorce, to another guy who is bad in a different way – makes you wonder if there are any good guys in the movie?  I guess the wife (Marg Helgenberger) is good, but with all this going on behind her back she has to be pretty stupid.

Some very violent scenes – this is a HARD R.  Not for teens… not really even for adults unless you like blood and gore – more a horror movie than a thriller.

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04 Jan

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Grade: A

After all the hype about “Brangelina” I was so curious to see Mr. And Mrs. Smith. And I was not disappointed. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have chemistry to spare! Wow! This is basically a romantic comedy with action sequences – never a dull moment. You’re either laughing or gasping! The dialogue is strong – some of the best lines I’ve heard in the movies this year. And I think you have to be married to appreciate a lot of it! There’s a lot of banter ala Tracy and Hepburn – smart and witty, and totally contemporary – it works. All in all, just a great night’s entertainment. Very fun!
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