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12 Feb

Happy New Year

Yes, I am making new year’s resolutions again this year.  That’s nothing new.  But the start of the new year is not the only time I make resolutions.  I think of the newness that comes with the start of each season.  I mark progress and set goals each year on my birthday.  I think of the new year starting at the beginning of each school year, and each new year of marriage.  Each day, really, is a new beginning!  So, as 2005 approaches, I know that I will be diligent with my resolutions, but I will also be flexible with myself, because things change, and I am happy to change right along with them.  Happy New Year!

Lissa Coffey’s online newsletters and article content may be reprinted provided the following credit line is included:

Lissa Coffey is an author, media personality, and the founder of CoffeyTalk.com (Reprinted with permission Copyright © Bamboo Entertainment, Inc.)

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12 Feb

3 Days Before Christmas

3 Days Before Christmas
by Lissa Coffey

‘Twas the days before Christmas
And all through the house
Lay scraps of ribbon and an
Unironed blouse.
“Company’s coming!”
I say with a shout,
“Pick up the clutter,
Take the newspapers out!”
Yet all of my wishes
Are met with rolled eyes.
“Relax, Mom, it’s family,”
My teenagers sigh.
And so I resolve
To just do what I can,
Not strive for perfection
From my lovable clan.
Remember that Christmas
Is not just a day.
It’s the feeling of warmth
That our hearts give away.
No one will remember
Those musical elves,
Or notice the mismatched
Books on the shelves.
What they will think of
On this holiday,
Is the love that was shown
In your very own way.
So keep that in mind
As you turn off the lights
Merry Christmas to all
And to all a good night!

Lissa Coffey’s online newsletters and article content may be reprinted provided the following credit line is included:

Lissa Coffey is an author, media personality, and the founder of CoffeyTalk.com (Reprinted with permission Copyright © Bamboo Entertainment, Inc.)

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12 Feb

Longtime Friends

It’s funny how some dates just stick in the mind.  Today, for instance, I remember as Kim Davis’ birthday.  Kim was my first real friend.  We met in first grade and were pretty much inseparable all through grade school.  We both loved Nancy Drew books!  Every year Kim had a slumber party and each one was better than the last.  Even when my parents divorced and I moved to a new neighborhood, I still went to Kim’s party.  One year, I think it was in 6th grade, I met my friend Carolyn there.  Kim and I drifted apart sometime in high school, but Carolyn and I are still very close friends today.  We don’t get to see each other very often, because she lives in Boston with her family and I’m in Los Angeles with mine.  But each time we talk it’s as if no time has gone by at all.  

Through our friendships, we can learn about ourselves.  I am so grateful to Kim, and to Carolyn, and all the friends who have taught me so much over the years.  You are a blessing!  Thank you!

Lissa Coffey’s online newsletters and article content may be reprinted provided the following credit line is included:

Lissa Coffey is an author, media personality, and the founder of CoffeyTalk.com (Reprinted with permission Copyright © Bamboo Entertainment, Inc.)

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12 Feb

All My Soaps

Most people don’t know this about me, but I am a soap opera fan.  Yep, I admit it.  I have been following the life of Erica Kane since she was in high school, and I was probably in the 6th grade.  How I got hooked on soaps I don’t remember.  But I do know that I love the stories, the relationships, the drama!  And I also know that it helps to keep real life in perspective.  Our day to day dramas, a clogged dishwasher or a failed math test, pale in comparison to being trapped on an island, or being accused of murdering your sister’s lecherous fiancé.  And there are some interesting philosophies that we can apply to our lives, too.  As Scarlett O’Hara so aptly put it: “Tomorrow is another day.”  Soap heroines face floods, heartbreak and jail time and wake up the next day with their lipstick perfectly in place.   These are strong women, who go after what they want – they can be a cosmetics executive one day and an international spy the next – there are no limitations in their world.  Silly as it may sound, we can learn from that.  Erica, if you can do it, I can do it!


Lissa Coffey’s online newsletters and article content may be reprinted provided the following credit line is included:

Lissa Coffey is an author, media personality, and the founder of CoffeyTalk.com (Reprinted with permission Copyright © Bamboo Entertainment, Inc.)

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12 Feb

Making Space

My step-daughter is coming to visit us this month, so I’ve been busy getting the guest room ready for her.  The “guest room”used to be Freddy’s room, but since he’s going off to college now it seems to have taken on a new purpose.    While Freddy’s been away, Greg and Brian and I have all kind of used the extra space for storage, and it is amazing how much stuff we accumulate!  It has felt really good to just go through and sort out and give away so much of what we really don’t need to hang onto.  More breathing room is an important concept in both Feng Shui, and Vastu.  Clutter in our living space creates clutter in our mind.  When it’s cleaned up we can think more clearly, and function more efficiently.

Now I’m on a roll!  I plan to tackle the closets, the cupboards, the drawers, any space that needs clearing.  The big question is how long this stepped-up state of organization will last in my hectic household.  I can see myself going through this same process all over again when Brian goes to college!

Lissa Coffey’s online newsletters and article content may be reprinted provided the following credit line is included:

Lissa Coffey is an author, media personality, and the founder of CoffeyTalk.com (Reprinted with permission Copyright © Bamboo Entertainment, Inc.)

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12 Feb

What the Bleep

Every once in awhile I see a movie that just blows me away.  This year it was “What the Bleep! Do We Know.”  It’s part adventure, part romantic comedy, part documentary.  There’s really no movie to compare it to because it is completely original, at least I haven’t seen anything like it and I have seen a LOT of movies!  The subject it tackles, consciousness, is so vast, and so profound, that I’m sure the “industry” is surprised that this was attempted at all.  And yet, “What the Bleep!” is not only both charming and thought-provoking, it is also well-received by audiences!  Now that’s something that Hollywood understands.  When a low-budget film starts making some big-budget money, producers take notice.  Hopefully now we will see some more spiritually oriented movies as this one breaks new ground.

Lissa Coffey’s online newsletters and article content may be reprinted provided the following credit line is included:

Lissa Coffey is an author, media personality, and the founder of CoffeyTalk.com (Reprinted with permission Copyright © Bamboo Entertainment, Inc.)

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12 Feb

Making the lists

Have you noticed all the Christmas decorations up in the shopping malls?  They’ve been up since Halloween.  It seems like it’s getting earlier and earlier every year.  This really is a wonderful time of year, but it also stresses me out.  I see those decorations and I am reminded of all the things I haven’t done yet, and all the things I think I “should” do but will probably not do.  I start making “the lists”in my head and I look at the calendar and wonder how it’s all going to get done.

But then I take a deep breath and remember the newfound joy that I have discovered in simplicity!  I don’t need to burden myself with “should”, I can choose what I want to do, and enjoy doing it.  I might bake some cookies, or I might buy some instead.  There is no holiday sheriff who will come knocking on my door if the lights don’t get up this year!  I can choose to wander the mall amidst the happy shoppers, or find serenity at home in the many online stores.  One day at a time; it’s still November, and I haven’t figured out Thanksgiving yet!

Lissa Coffey’s online newsletters and article content may be reprinted provided the following credit line is included:

Lissa Coffey is an author, media personality, and the founder of CoffeyTalk.com (Reprinted with permission Copyright © Bamboo Entertainment, Inc.)

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12 Feb

Noise or Music?

There’s a Catholic church down the street from me.  When I go for a walk I can hear the bells chime on the hour.  It’s really very beautiful, I feel like it adds to the peace of the neighborhood.  It’s amazing how quiet it can be sometimes around here.  But then a helicopter flies by, or a car alarm goes off, and it disturbs the stillness.  So I got to thinking, what are we contributing to the stillness: noise or music?  Our words can be kind and gentle like the church bells, or they can be harsh like an alarm.  In our mindfulness, do we watch what we say, and the way we say it?  Our voices carry with them messages and meaning.  Through our words we can hurt, or we can heal.  Think about what we are saying about ourselves by the words we choose to use.

Lissa Coffey’s online newsletters and article content may be reprinted provided the following credit line is included:

Lissa Coffey is an author, media personality, and the founder of CoffeyTalk.com (Reprinted with permission Copyright © Bamboo Entertainment, Inc.)

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12 Feb

Autumn in California

I live in California, in the U.S.  It’s Autumn here now, but you can’t really tell.  People here wear flip-flops on their feet to the grocery store pretty much year-round!  My husband is from Australia, where it is now Spring.  Seasons change wherever we are.  Change is natural, and yet, how often do we fight it?  Mark Twain once said that the only person who welcomes change is a wet baby!  Change can bring with it a freshness, a newness, a beginning.  There are so many transition times in life where change is thrust upon us.  Growing up, certainly.  I see change in my teenagers everyday and I feel like time is going by so quickly!  Moving, changing schools, marriage, divorce, re-marriage, babies, step-children, jobs, careers, losses, it’s just a part of life as we know it, a part of being human and living in this world.  Some things we can’t change.  But we can change how we deal with each situation.  We can see change as an opportunity to learn and to grow.  We can use the experience to learn more about ourselves and our world.

Lissa Coffey’s online newsletters and article content may be reprinted provided the following credit line is included:

Lissa Coffey is an author, media personality, and the founder of CoffeyTalk.com (Reprinted with permission Copyright © Bamboo Entertainment, Inc.)

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12 Feb

The Tipping Point

As most of you know, coffeytalk is one of four newsletters that I write.  It all started with Wisdom News four years ago, and then last year I added coffeytalk and What’s Your Dosha, and just recently I’ve been doing Family Everyday.  It has been amazing for me to see the growth of this community, both in terms of involvement on the discussion board, and numbers!  I started with just a few friends from my address book, and now we’re up to about 22,000 subscribers all together!  While this is wonderful, in terms of e-mail newsletters we’re still relatively small.  I’ve been reading Malcolm Gladwell’s book “The Tipping Point”, and thinking about how we can get to that crucial place where our little seedling can become a full-fledged tree.  Is it just slow and steady, and a matter of being patient? Or is there some event that needs to happen to set off a chain reaction that allows us to reach for the sky?

So, let’s get back to basics.  How many friends in your address book would benefit from Wisdom News or coffeytalk?  If each of us gets just a couple of people to subscribe we can grow our numbers exponentially!  And that just helps all of us because we’re all connected, we can learn from each other.  The more contributions we have to the discussion board the better because there are more opportunities to learn and grow.  And maybe in our community we’ll find some happy surprises.  Anyone out there know Oprah? ?

Lissa Coffey’s online newsletters and article content may be reprinted provided the following credit line is included:

Lissa Coffey is an author, media personality, and the founder of CoffeyTalk.com (Reprinted with permission Copyright © Bamboo Entertainment, Inc.)

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