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31 Aug

Doshas and Exercise

The basic rule in Ayurveda is to exercise to 75 % of your capacity.  Don’t work out until you are exhausted and depleted.  Stop when you are still feeling good but can see that time coming.  This way, you will build up your stamina and strength.

Recommended exercise for balance:
Vata:  Low-impact – Yoga, Walking, Dancing
Pitta: Competitive or team sports, baseball, tennis, or Water sports, swimming
Kapha:  Stimulating, regular exercise, bodybuilding, running

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31 Aug

Behavior Rasanayas

Rasayana means “recommendation.”  The following Behavior Rasayanas are for all of the doshas.  It is said that following these instructions will help us to avoid contradictions in the mind and therefore prevent physiological strain.  They are a reminder of the simple things we can do to help ourselves, and, in turn, to help the world.

-Be honest and kind.
-Be free from anger.
-Abstain from immoderate behavior.
-Be nonviolent and calm.
-Observe cleanliness in yourself and your environment.
-Be charitable toward others.
-Observe a regular daily routine.
-Be loving and compassionate.
-Be respectful, especially to teachers and elders.
-Keep the company of the wise.
-Be modest, have good manners.
-Follow your religious beliefs, be self-disciplined.
-Keep a positive outlook.
-Devote yourself to the development of higher states of consciousness.

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31 Aug

Doshas and Gemstones

Jyotish is Indian astrology, and it is a sister science to Ayurveda.  Jyotish recommends certain gemstones, because of their energetic properties, to help balance the doshas.  Here are some examples.

For Vata: Ruby (or Garnet), Yellow Sapphire (or Topaz), and Emerald (or Aquamarine).  Metal: gold.
For Pitta: Pearl (or Opal), Lapis Lazuli, Emerald (or Aquamarine). Metal: silver.
For Kapha: Ruby (or Garnet), Cat’s-Eye, Blue Sapphire.  Metal: copper.

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31 Aug

Aromatherapy for the Doshas

We connect to the physical world through our five senses. Aromatherapy has many benefits – it can be calming, relaxing, energizing, or soothing. It can help us to get to sleep, or help us to wake up! Here are the fragrances which help to balance each the doshas: Vata- vanilla, orange, lavender, pine Pitta- rose, jasmine, sandalwood, peppermint Kapha- cinnamon, basil, eucalyptus, musk

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31 Aug

mantras for meditation by dosha

Ayurveda recommends meditation for everyone. And there are specific mantras which are meant to pacify each dosha. Try using these mantras in your meditation, saying them silently to yourself. Or sing them as you’re driving to work, or cooking dinner. Ram (pronounced Rahm) is the mantra for Vata. It helps to boost the immune system, and it alleviates fear and anxiety. Shrim (pronounced Shreem) is the mantra for Pitta. It promotes general health and harmony. Hum (pronounced Hoom) is the mantra for Kapha. It is both stimulating and clearing.

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31 Aug


Ayurveda, along with Vastu, Meditation, Yoga, Hinduism, Buddhism and much of eastern philosophy, has its roots in Vedanta.  Vedanta is the world’s oldest known religion, yet it is relatively new here to us in the west.  In 1893 Swami Vivekananda represented Hinduism at the World’s Parliament of Religions in Chicago.  His talks were well received, and he was invited to lecture on Vedic philosophy all over the country.  This was the beginning of today’s Vedanta Societies.  There is a wonderful non-profit organization that is keeping up the teachings and traditions of Vedanta.  To learn more about Vedanta visit their website: www.vedanta.org 

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31 Aug

Dosha Yoga

I’ve been waiting for a long time to give you this news.  Today is the official release date of my brand new DVD, “Dosha Yoga: Bringing Your Mind and Body to a State of Balance and Bliss.” This is the first DVD ever to combine Yoga and Ayurveda.  My friend Hemalayaa, an amazing Yogini, leads us through 3 different Yoga routines, one for each dosha.  Each routine is balancing in its own way, and includes therapeutic music created by an Ayurvedic music therapist in India!  We had so much fun working on this project, putting together some beautiful sets based on color therapy for the doshas, and creating totally original and unique routines unlike any you’ve ever seen on any other Yoga DVD.  And I’ve got a segment on there about living an Ayurvedic lifestyle.  This is a really special DVD, one that I’m very proud of and so happy to be able to share with you.  Check out our new website, and you’ll see information about our offer for this “Dosha Yoga” premiere week. www.DoshaYoga.com

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31 Aug

3 pillars of health

According to Ayurveda, there are 3 pillars of good health: food, relationships, and sleep.  Today let’s look at sleep and the doshas.  Vatas get worn out easily, and need lots of sleep to renew themselves after a long day.  Vatas do best on 9-10 hours of sleep a night.  Yet, because the Vata mind is so restless, Vatas often have difficulty getting to sleep at night.  One solution is to take a warm bath and time to settle down before bedtime.  Pittas need an average amount of sleep, 7-8 hours is fine.  When Pitta has difficulty sleeping it is because they are thinking of work.  It’s a good idea for Pittas to take a cool shower, and relax before bedtime.  Kaphas have a large reserve of energy and do not require as much sleep.  They can get by on 6-7 hours of sleep a night.  Kaphas tend to sleep soundly, and they may have trouble waking up!  Set the alarm to some uplifting music to help get the day started for sleepy Kaphas.  If you’re having trouble sleeping due to stress or anxiety, Balance Ayurvedic has an herbal formula that can help.  AyurRenew.

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31 Aug

Ganesh’s birthday

Today is a most auspicious day, it is Ganesh’s birthday!  Ganesh is the “remover of obstacles.”  You can identify Ganesh by his elephant head and human body.  On September 21, 1995, an amazing event occurred in India which is know known as the “milk miracle.”  That morning, a man awoke from a dream that Ganesh was asking for milk.  He went to a Ganesh statue in town, and offered milk in a spoon to the statue, and the milk disappeared!  Word spread, and soon and Ganesh statues all over the country were “drinking” milk.  You can read all about this remarkable event at: www.milkmiracle.com

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31 Aug

Ayurveda and Hair Care

According to Ayurveda both our hair and our nails are a by-product of our bones.  So in order to have healthy hair, we need to maintain proper nutrition for healthy bones.  If calcium and magnesium are not completely absorbed by our bones, we’ll se it in our hair as split ends, hair that breaks easily, or even hair that falls out.  Dairy products are a good source of calcium and magnesium, but many of us are either vegan or lactose intolerant.  Luckily there are many alternatives: daikon, coconut, cooked apples, and cabbage.  Sesame seeds are packed with calcium and magnesium, sprinkle some on your breakfast cereal, on your toast, or in your salad at dinner.  A gentle scalp massage with sesame oil is also beneficial because it improves circulation at the root of the hair.

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