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31 Aug


Prana in Sanskrit means “breath.”   We all need to breathe to survive.  Even plants breathe.  Although breathing appears to be a kind of mechanical process, one that we don’t really think about, Ayurveda explains that the process of inhaling and exhaling is full of life itself.  Notice how the breath changes when our emotions come into play.  When we are scared, we tense up and hold our breath.  When we are happy and laughing, we breathe deeply and our breathing is rhythmic.  Pranayama means “to control the breath.”   By doing so, we are helping to settle and control our busy minds. 

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31 Aug

Vata season again

November through February is Vata season in the Northern Hemisphere.  Vata season is when the weather is cold and dry.  This weather causes an accumulation of Vata, which can lead to imbalance.  To keep Vata in check, there are a lot of things that we can do. -Eat warm, cooked foods.  For example, choose soup instead of salad. -Stay warm.  Wear warm socks, gloves, and a hat outdoors. -Sip a warm beverage, like herb tea, throughout the day. -Avoid caffeine. -Give yourself a warm, sesame oil massage (abhyanga) before your shower in the morning.

Vata tea on Chopra Center site

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31 Aug


Just as love is a dance between two people, life is a dance between us and the universe.  We are all one, so what affects the universe affects each one of us in some way.  And it works both ways!  The Vedic sages have studied this dance and come up with a system for working with cosmic energy to help guide us along the way.

Vedic astrology is called “Jyotish.”   In Sanskrit, jyot means “light, and ish comes from the word ishwara, which means nature.  Jyotish is known as “the study of light.”  The light is the light from the stars and the planets, and also the light of consciousness.  Like Ayurveda, Jyotish gives us tools for learning about other people and ourselves and how we relate.  Used with Ayurveda, Jyotish adds an interesting dimension to the way we look at relationships.

I have recently become friends with one of the most well-regarded Jyotish practitioners in the United States, Howard Beckman.  He has made an offer just for our subscribers.  When you order any reading, a compatibility analysis, or a birth chart, you will receive a f/ree gemstone recommendation!  Greg and I had our gemstone recommendations done and got each other rings for Christmas.  They’re so beautiful and powerful!  Visit Howard’s site and see all that he has going on, it’s amazing!  And if you contact him for a reading, give him the password: “Doshamatch” so that you get your bonus!

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31 Aug


One of the most popular icons in India is Ganesh, or Ganesha, the Remover of Obstacles.  Ganesh has the body of a man, and the head of an elephant.  It is traditional to honor Ganesh at the beginning of every undertaking and every journey, to make sure that Ganesh is there to remove any obstacles that come up along the way.  Ganesh’s big ears symbolize that he is a good listener, and his big belly indicates that he can digest our troubles.  Ganesh is known to be very wise, and the elephant is a symbol of the human potential for enlightenment.

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31 Aug

Doshas and Age

We are born with our dosha, and our unique balance of the 3 doshas is like our fingerprint.  However, as the seasons change, and as we age, we are more influenced by particular doshas.  From the time we are born, up until about age 20, we are more Kapha-like.  Kaphas are loving, mellow, and care-free.  While we are children, we don’t have as many worries, and we haven’t had as many life experiences, so it is easier for us to be more open, loving, and compassionate.  From about age 20 to age 40, we are more influenced by Pitta.  We are more ambitious by nature, thinking about our career, wanting to make money, buy a home for our family, and working hard to accomplish our goals.  After age 40 we are more strongly influenced by Vata.  Our skin becomes more dry, we are more sensitive to weather, and we might worry more than we did before.

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31 Aug


Abhyanga is a self massage which is good for keeping all the doshas in balance.  It helps moisturize the skin, helps to release toxins, and also helps to tone the muscles.  Sesame oil is usually recommended in general and is very good for Vatas.  Almond oil is also good for Vata.  Coconut and sunflower both work well for Pitta.  Corn and olive oils are beneficial for balancing Kapha.   The massage can be done in the morning before your shower, or in the evening before bed.  Start by warming the oil to skin temperature, and drizzle a small amount of oil into the palms of your hands.  Massage the top of your scalp (on days when you wash your hair), pay particular attention to the circumference of your ears, and the soles of your feet.   Massage with long strokes on your limbs, and round strokes on your joints.  It’s best to leave the oil on the body for 20 minutes before washing it off in a warm shower or bath. 

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31 Aug


Before there was Feng Shui, there was Vastu, the “science of architecture”or the Indian art of living in harmony with our environment.  Just as we have relationships with the people in our lives, we have a relationship with our home and work space.  When we are comfortable and happy in our environment, we are more productive and easier to get along with.  Vastu is a sister science to Ayurveda, and like Ayurveda, it uses the five elements in its design recommendations.  Knowing your dosha will help you to determine how to better arrange your home and office so that you are “in the flow” and at your best.

For more information, check out Kathleen Cox’s book, Vastu Living. (amazon link)

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31 Aug

Kapha Season

In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the beginning of Kapha season which runs approximately March through June.  During Kapha season, gardens are blooming, and the air is moist.  Even if we’re not Kapha dominant, we may feel the effects of Kapha on our system with seasonal allergies and some general lethargy.  To help keep Kapha in balance, engage in some Kapha balancing activities, exercise more vigorously, avoid sugar and dairy, and add spice to your foods.  Try cinnamon or ginger tea in the morning as a natural pick-me-up!

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31 Aug

Ayurveda and Kids

If you have kids you know that there is always some bug that’s “going around” and your kid is bound to come home with it sooner or later.  Kids have their own little set of health issues that they face, it’s just part of growing up.  My first born had ear infections one after the other.  My younger son constantly battles IBS and digestive problems.  My nephew has asthma.  My niece has allergies.  It seems like every kid has something that they have to deal with.  Having a knowledge of Ayurveda can be so helpful in parenting!   When you know your child’s dosha, you can strive to keep him or her in balance, so that these little issues are not such a nuisance.  I have a basic introduction to Ayurveda and parenting in the“What’s Your Dosha, Baby?” book.  And if you’d like to learn more about Ayurvedic health care for children, John Douillard has a wonderful book called, “Perfect Health for Kids.”  So many of his suggestions are applicable to adults, as well.  Everything from ways to stay fully hydrated, to tips for different learning styles.

Perfect Health for Kids by John Douillard – on amazon

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31 Aug

Ayurvedic Cooking

There are so many different kinds of cookbooks out today, everything from The South Beach Diet to Cajun cooking, there are all kinds of foods for every taste.  So, what is Ayurvedic cooking all about?  Ayurveda helps us to choose and prepare foods that contribute to the health of our body, mind and spirit.  It looks at the balance of each individual, and teaches us the best ways to eat for our well-being.  It’s about harmony.  It’s great to learn to cook Ayurvedically because we are then able to have more choices, and more control over our food habits.  I have a few of my favorite recipes in the back of the “What’s Your Dosha, Baby?” book and I am always reading Ayurvedic cookbooks and trying out new dishes.  One of my favorite cookbooks is by Dr. Vasant Lad, and his wife Usha.  This couple spends time together in the kitchen, and at the table, which is so important in a loving relationship.

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