The Releasing Prayer
This is an interesting time of year the week between Christmas and New Year’s. It seems on the surface that not much is happening. Work is slow, the freeways aren’t as crowded because people are on vacation. But underneath the surface a lot of activity is taking place. We’re preparing ourselves for the New Year. We’re taking down the decorations, getting organized, and coming up with our goals and resolutions. This is a creative time – in Ayurveda this is Vata season.
We see it on a global scale. We have elected a new president, but he hasn’t taken office yet. He’s busy planning and preparing, choosing his cabinet, figuring out just how to get things done. And we see it in nature, too. Trees shed their leaves in preparation for a new Spring.
In life, we can’t be in two places at the same time. We can’t keep both feet on the ground and expect to go anywhere. If we want to take that leap of faith, and really make changes in our lives, then both feet have to leave the ground. How can we do this? We need to release. We need to let go.
Today I led the service at a church, and instead of the traditional “burning bowl” ceremony, we put the “ancient wisdom, modern style” CoffeyTalk twist on it. We wrote down what we wanted to release, and then put the papers through a shredder! This is the prayer I wrote for releasing. Enjoy, and take it to heart. I love you! Happy New Year!
Dear God, Sweet Spirit,
Knowing that all is one and I am one with all that is –
I recognize that certain habits, or thought patterns, or misconceptions
No longer serve me, no longer contribute to my greatest good.
I choose, here and now, to release any and all
judgments, anger, guilt, or self-destructive behaviors.
I choose to let go of pain, and heartache, to let go of resentment and blame.
I choose to unburden myself of any heaviness that is weighing me down.
I choose to leave behind any pettiness of the past.
I choose to relinquish control, to let You,
the guiding light of the Universe, in Your infinite Wisdom,
take care of the details of my life.
I choose to open the door, to clear out the clutter, in my life and in my mind and to make room for
All that is offered to me.
I choose to let go completely – and let GOD!
I choose, right here and now, to give up the struggle.
I choose, right here and now to release all my fears, all my doubts,
any falsehoods that are holding me back from knowing and experiencing
and celebrating all that I am.
I choose to get with the program, to embrace the
Trust and Faith, and Health, and Light, and Truth, and Opportunity, and Love and Prosperity and Wholeness
That right here and now runs in and around and through each and every one of us. This is who I am.
And I am truly grateful.
I now release and let go of anything that contradicts this fact.
Whatever it is, I let it go. Happily, with grace and ease, and forever.
And so it is, Baby – and so it absolutely is!