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31 Dec

Viva Las Vegas!

My stepdaughter, Ellen, is here visiting from Australia. We wanted to show her more of the USA this time around, so I arranged for a little trip to Las Vegas! Dates worked out good for Greg, there was some stock trading expo on at the same, so we booked a room at Paris, where the expo was to be held, and everyone was happy. I’ve been to Vegas many times – when I was a student at UCLA we used to drive and stay at a bargain hotel and it was a cheap vacation given the $2 all-you-can-eat buffets and all. Over the years Vegas has certainly grown, and changed its image to a much more upscale, and believe it or not, family friendly venue. Paris was a great place to stay. Price-wise it was probably about middle of the road, about $110 a night per room. But the rooms were beautiful. It’s a pretty new hotel, and everything was nice, clean, and classy rather than tacky. Some of the theme hotels are pretty over-the-top, but Paris was more charming than ostentatious. The restaurants we ate in were good and reasonably priced. We did have one dinner at the Eiffel Tower restaurant, which I’d say was leaning towards the exhorbitant end of the price range, but the food was fabulous so it was worth the treat. More in my comfort zone is the little crepe cafe where for six bucks I had an apple crepe big enough to feed two people and it was warm and sweet and just yummy! We also took the Eiffel Tower tour, basically just an elevator ride up to the 50th “floor” where you have a 360 degree view of Las Vegas. It’s probably more spectacular at night with all the lights blazing. The first day Ellen and I walked over to the Forum Shops, browsed the stores, and watched the Atlantis show where the statues come to life. Ellen’s favorite part was the new car store they’ve got there – Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Hummers – all kinds of exotic cars on display. She loved it, and took tons of photos. We got a photo of us sitting in a yellow Ferrari, too – it’s one of those things where there’s a green screen and you choose the background – we chose the Las Vegas night background so it looks like we’re cruising the strip. Then we headed over to the Mirage – saw the Secret Garden and all the beautiful animals – the dolphins and all that. We had lunch at the Caribe Cafe and played Keno – 3 games, lost them all. Then back to Paris for Ellen’s first massage ever! I had requested a female masseuse, and she ended up with Chad, a guy, but was a good enough sport to just go with it. Turns out he was really nice – and she loved the hot stone massage. I had the frangipani wrap. Sounds better than it was. My masseuse seemed to just kind of slap through the motions and I didn’t feel I was getting thoroughly slathered. But the 20 minutes of meditation was heavenly – just what I needed after a hectic day and miles of ground covered by foot! That night we headed over to the Venetian, another beautiful hotel, ate dinner at a Chinese restaurant there and then sat in the second row to see The Blue Man Group. We had to wear ponchos, but they were really unnecessary. The show was great, but if I had it to do over again I would have gotten seats a little further back to get a better overall view of the stage. We laughed a lot – it’s really an original, fresh, and very cool show. Then the next day Greg traipsed around with us to see New York New York – Ellen and I took the $12.50 roller coaster ride – that’s $12.50 EACH – and it’s not worth it. It’s a good ride, but I’d say it’s a $5 ride at best. We had lunch at the Italian restaurant there – very good. Then proceeded over to the MGM, where they’re doing major construction – and over to the Mandalay Bay – another pretty, and huge, hotel. There we visited Shark Reef – a really nice aquarium. We were exhausted from all the walking. Oh, somewhere in between there we went to M & M world and Coke World, too – and saw an Elvis impersonator on the street. There’s too much cigarette smoke in Las Vegas. And it’s really cold in the winter and really hot in the summer. Other than that, it’s a pretty fun place to visit!

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31 Dec

Kudos to Oprah!

All this James Frey stuff really bugs me. The guy lied, to millions of people, and he got paid handsomely for it. He lied in his best-selling memoir. He lied on national TV. He lied to Oprah. Ah! There was his fatal mistake. At first Oprah stood up for the guy, backing him on Larry King. But then I guess she got to thinking about it and decided that what he did was just not right. And she said so on her show, with Frey and his publisher front and center, and the whole world watching. Good going, Oprah! Kudos to YOU! It was great to see Oprah call James Frey out on the carpet, and say what we all wanted to say all along.


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31 Dec

New Blog on DoshaSpace.com

My new site is up! It’s DoshaSpace.com – and everyone is invited to join this new community! You can have your own blog, isn’t that cool? I’ve got a blog up there, too… I’m kind of blog happy these days! πŸ™‚


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31 Dec

The Oscars!!!

I’m planted in front of the TV watching the pre-show… today is Oscar day – and it’s a national holiday at my house! Here’s my first take on the fashions – Salma Hayek – wearing a peacock blue gown, cut beautifully for her figure – her hair long straight and elegant. What is great is that almost everyone is wearing neutrals and she really stands out. Wow! Nicole Kidman – this time she’s surprising us by underplaying it. No big jewels, no big hair, just simple simple simple. Long straight hair, soft white strapless dress. She looks young and fresh and very comfortable in her own skin. Reese Witherspoon – Kind of a silvery taupe beautiful dress, her hair is up, beautiful drop earrings, she looks like Hollywood royalty. I think she’ll win tonight. And she’ll definitely make the best-dressed lists. Felicity Huffman – way low cut, black chiffony kind of number – I think she was going for sexy, and it works! Nice contrast to her character in Transamerica – and at the past few awards shows she’s worn white, so this looks very new for her. Zach Posen is the designer. Jessica Alba – I think she is not the “most downloaded” woman – she’s like the sexy girl next door. Tonight’s gown is gorgeous! It’s Versace – a soft gold, and her hair is swept up in soft curls, very pretty. Sandra Bullock – nice accessory in good friend Keanu Reeves. I think it’s a trend not to bring your hubby/significant other if they’re not in the business. Gwyneth Paltrow and Julia Roberts leave their guys at home for these things. And it looks like Jesse James must be watching at some party. Plus it’s good publicity to put Sandy and Keanu together, I hear they have a new movie coming out. Sandra sure has a good sense of fashion – she’s knows what looks good on her – she’s wearing a fun full skirted dress with pockets and she’s really playing it up. Rachel Weisz – seven months pregnant, and you can hardly tell! Wearing simple black, she looks lovely, like a winner. She’s my pick for Supporting Actress. Keira Knightly – great dress, kind of an eggplant color – a silk drapey fabric. Her make-up is beautiful, too. Not too crazy about the ponytail, though – would like to have seen a little more finished look for the hair. All the guys look good – no one is really standing out in a bad way or good way – Jamie Fox looks a little casual with a bright blue shirt and plain black tie. Of course those huge diamond earrings dress up the ensemble. I’ve seen all the movies except for Munich… just couldn’t get to that one. I’m thinking it’s going to be Brokeback Mountain and Crash for pretty much everything tonight. The Academy Awards are now held at the Kodak Theatre every year – but back when I was a page the ceremony was held at The Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. I worked two shows, must have been 1981 and 1982. Johnny Carson was the host, and I helped with the seat fillers. I got to meet Jack Lemmon, Gregory Peck, Bob Hope, Meryl Streep (she was pregnant at the time), and so many others. It was pretty amazing to be among those stars… while wearing my polyester page uniform. I vowed to one day return in a proper Oscar gown. Hasn’t happened yet! got close one year when we got tickets from an auction. Got dressed up, got on the limo-bus, got all the way to the red carpet before we were turned away for having bogus tickets. Someone scammed the school who held the auction – sad, but true. We turned around and watched the show on the TV in the bus on the way home. A memorable night for sure – just not in the way we wanted it to be! Maybe I’ll go when Brian or Freddy win their awards. OK, the show’s starting… gotta love it, even the commercials are good!
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31 Dec

The Oscars Part 2

So far so good… I’m pretty much batting 1000% with my predictions – except I thought Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride would win over Wallace and Gromit. I am absolutely HATING that they’re playing music over the acceptance speeches. Way too distracting, and just plain annoying. The tradition is typically that last year’s actor winner presents the next year in that category – The 2005 supporting actress would present the 2006 supporting actor for example. But Cate Blanchett won last year for “Cold Mountain” and this year Nicole Kidman presented in that category. So I don’t know if Cate wasn’t available – or if she declined, but she’s no where to be seen. Oh, Lauren Bacall looks beautiful, and she is a legend, that’s for sure. But she’s having difficulty with the teleprompter… she’s stumbling. How cute was George Clooney’s acceptance speech for his supporting actor award? That guy is just so natural and charming… and with 3 nominations, I think he can pretty much do anything. I think Michelle Williams is going to be a big deal – she looks gorgeous! Strong actress, gorgeous fiance… she’s happy and fulfilled and I can’t wait to see what she does next. Next big actor – Terence Howard – he is HOT!!!! Watch what he does next. Interesting that Nicole left her escort, rumored fiance Keith Urban, behind on the red carpet, but that sure looks like him sitting next to her! And she’s got Jamie Foxx on her other side, nice company! Funny political ads campaigning for Best Actress from Jon Stewart. I knew it’d get political, this was a clever way to get it. Oh, here’s Charlize Theron… she’s stunning. Not crazy about this dress on her, though – or the hair… too big. The whole thing is just a little too much. Aren’t we all so glad March of the Penguins won? I loved it!!! They guys are so cute with their penguins up there. Here’s Jennifer Lopez – dressed pretty sedate compared with past award ceremonies. Nice! Saw her in the audience earlier with her husband Marc Anthony. She introduced one of the best song nominees – The song that was in Crash – the song is great… but what is with this set going on behind the singer? Like scenes from the movie… in slo mo… really bad – the ar on fire in the background owuld have been enough – all the people miming through is just weird. I loved the movie, by the way. I really like the set this year – especially the marquee over the stage – very cool!


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31 Dec

The Sandwich Generation

My dad is 82 years old. He’s always been healthy, active, and proud of his youthful good looks. He lives in an “over 55” community and he’s happy to be the go-to guy whenever anyone needs assistance. He works out in the gym there, and often coaches the other residents with their weight lifting. The golf course is his backyard, and he walks it every day, sometimes for a game and sometimes just to meet up with friends and shoot the breeze. Saturday nights are reserved for the community dances, and he has a lovely partner in his girlfriend Joyce. Life in retirement was about as good as it gets for my dad – until about 3 weeks ago when he had a stroke. Now, this suave and savvy senior citizen is in an acute rehabilitation facility. He’s sad, and vulnerable, and struggling to get back to his former self. His left side was compromised, he’s lost a lot of mobility, some hearing, and short term memory. It is difficult to see him like this. I know that 82 is “old” and this is to be expected at this age – but it’s just so unlike the dad I’ve known my whole life. He tried to pretend that he’s all right – he even jokes that he’s “all right” with the loss of his left side – but we know better. We can see it in his face. He’s scared. And I don’t blame him. My brother and sister and I have been looking at assisted living facilities for my dad. It’s hard to take him away from Leisure Village, a place he loves so much, but he needs more care. He just can’t live on his own anymore. I know that wherever he goes he’ll make friends fast – that’s just the way he is. But it’s a big change for all of us. And now I have entered the ranks of the sandwich generation – those who are caring for their children and their parents at the same time. I know that somehow everything will be okay. I love my dad so much and I just want him to be happy, and comfortable. He’s a great guy, and as scary as this all is, he’s taking it really well.


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31 Dec

5th Metatarsal

Tuesday night – I’m at Brian’s Volleyball game and the place is packed. Our team is playing the cross town rivals, so everyone is here for the big showdown. First game is a tough one, but we pull it out and win by just 2 points. As the team switches sides of the court, the fans in the bleachers switch sides, too. I don’t know how this tradition started, but since everyone else is up and moving, I’m moving with them. Second game, they beat us – but it’s close, and very exciting. In high school varsity volleyball it’s the best of 5 games, so we’re tied now, and we know we’re in it for at least 2 more games. Everyone up, we switch sides again. Third game is a nail-biter, but they beat us again – now we’re the underdog. Stress sets in. Everyone up, we’re switching sides. I’m walking along the bleachers, I like to sit near the top so I can lean on the wall – I’m carrying a big jacket, rainy day today, my purse, and a gift bag for the coach who just had a baby. People are scooting by, finding their way through the crowd to the other side. My foot slips under the bench, on the way down I see stars, hear a crack, and I land splat on my butt. Fellow parents try to lift me up. “Are you okay?” Embarrassed, I say “yes, I’m fine – my foot is stuck, though.” I wedge it out, gather my things, and sit near where I landed. Game #4 starts. My foot begins to throb. I take my shoe off and notice a big lump under my sock. My two feet do not match anymore. I’m starting to plan how I can gracefully exit and not interrupt the game. Recognizing that it is impossible to leave unnoticed I decide to stick it out. Our team wins in overtime – 28-30. As I stand to descend the stairs I realize that my foot cannot take my weight – the pain is too much. So I instead scoot down the seats of the bleachers to the bottom bench. Another mom asks what the heck I’m doing, then gasps when she sees my lumpy sock. She offers to carry me to the car. No, no – it’s not that bad, I protest. I’ve got to wait until the end of game 5, then my son can drive me home. Thankfully game 5 goes to just 15 points. Whoever wins this game wins the whole thing. The other team puts up a fight, but we come out on top. Yay, Lions! The helpful mom flags down Brian for me. I toss my right shoe into his gym bag and he helps me hop out to his car. We head home and I call my husband on the way – be ready, you’ve got to drive me to the ER! Greg brings me out a slice of cold pizza – the soy cheese version I prepared before I left for the game – and I wolf it down in the front seat. It’s still raining. At the hospital we spot a wheelchair. Greg drops me off and I sit and wait while he parks. He comes back and wheels me in. There are a lot of other people waiting, this ER serves a big radius, and I guess at this time of night none of us has any choice but to go there. While we’re waiting one of our Volleyball players comes in – he cut his chin falling on the floor of the gym and needs stitches. Hey, we won, it’s a battle scar! The TV drones on in the waiting room – I notice it’s well into the 9:00 hour – they finally call me for an x-ray. I’m still in the wheelchair and the guy pushes me through the big door. It’s awkward, and painful, getting onto the metal table. The technician is kind, and efficient. He tells me he’s not supposed to say, but yep, it’s broken. Called a “dancer’s fracture” it’s the most common break for women. The 5th metatarsal is the bone that goes from the pinky toe to the ankle, and mine is definitely broken. Back to the waiting room, I give Greg the news. We still have to sit and wait to see a doctor, who will look at the x-ray and tell me the same thing. Eventually I get through that door again, and sit on a gurney in the hall because all of the rooms are full. I’m feeling tired, this is way past my bedtime, and achey. The nice doctor takes a peek, and a poke, looks at the x-ray and confirms it. Time for a splint, and a nurse or assistant, some sweet young girl, fixes me up, brings me crutches and sends me on my way with a phone number to call the orthopaedist in the morning. Back in the car I realize I don’t have my cell phone. Where is it? In a puddle in the parking lot where we found the wheelchair – it must has slipped off of my lap. So much for that battery. The timing is not good for this little mishap. I’ve got a lot of family stuff going on, on top of the usual. But then, when would be a good time? I take this as a life lesson – God telling me to slow down, quit running around so much. And now I have no choice – it’s my right foot, so I can’t even drive. I have a new appreciation for the handicapped bars in bathrooms. I notice when people are kind enough to open a door for me and I’m grateful. I also notice the people who go out of their way to avoid me, maybe they’re afraid that I’ll hit them with a crutch. I’m using muscles I don’t usually use and I’m sore. The crutches hit right at about the bra strap so I have red marks under my arms. And I have bruises on my knees and tailbone where I hit the floor. I’ve never broken a bone before, so this is a new experience. It’s a learning experience, that’s for sure. I’ll live – and I’ll be better for it.


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31 Dec

The Apprentice and The Bloody Nose!

Last night I’m watching The Apprentice – totally into it, second to last episode, it’s between Sean and Lee. And you know Sean is going to win because I have no clue how Lee got in the top two except by default. He’s a nice kid, but he’s a kid. The show is hilarious because all season we’ve seen these relationships develop and how that it’s down to the wire all the contestants are suddently best buddies trying to get on the last couple of teams. So, Lee picks Lenny, his good buddy of course, and Roxanne, and some guy named Pepe who got fired in episode 2. Sean picks Tammy, the love of his life – if these two don’t get married I’ll be surprised, they’re totally cute together – and Andrea, who proved herself when she hosted the car dealer retreat early on and impressed Sean, and Tarek, the Orlando Bloom look-alike. The teams seem a little unequal to me, but good luck to Lee anyway. Lee decides to run the celebrity hockey game in New York, and Sean gets to run the Bare Naked Ladies concert in Las Vegas. All the typical confusion comes through – but this is what I felt compelled about: Andrea freaks out because she gets a bloody nose! Okay, America – it’s time to learn some basic Ayurveda. Las Vegas is a very dry climate. Andrea and the team took a 5 hour flight from NY, and an airline is a very dry environment. They’re in a hotel, with air conditioning, which creates a cold and dry atmosphere. Andrea is a Vata – tall, skinny, you can see it a mile away. Vatas are very sensitive to dry air. Naturally, after subjecting her nose to all that dryness, it is bound to bleed. She was complaining that she was coughing up blood. What was actually happening is that her nose was bleeding down her throat and that’s the blood she was coughing up. Then she noticed it was coming out of her nose, too. Of course the show ends on this dramatic note – Andrea crying as she leaves the hotel, worried that something is terribly wrong with her. Sean and Tammy wringing their hands that something is terribly wrong with their friend Orlando, I mean, Tarek, the practical one, saying this is a bad time to be down a man with all this stuff they have to do. I can just see this turning into an epidemic – all the noses start bleeding and Andrea fears she’s contagious! This could have been such a simple fix! If I were there I would have calmed everyone down and given them some super simple solutions. To avoid all this drama, use a saline nasal spray on the plane. And use a mister on your skin to help keep you hydrated. At the hotel, fill up the bathtub in your room with water to humidify the room. Drink lots of water. Sniff sesame oil and even rub it in the nostrils to further lubricate the membranes. I would run down to the local drug store and get a cool air humidifier for the office they’re all working in. I’d also pick up some saline nasal spray and sesame oil. I’d have Andrea use both the spray and the sesame oil in her nostrils. A cotton swab helps apply the oil, and sniff up so the oil gets in higher up. If there were a health food store around you might be able to find some ayurvedic nasal spray which has oil in it and it much easier to reach up in those passages where the bleeding is. I’d also get her into a bathroom and run the shower with the hot water on to steam up the room and let her breathe in the warm, moist air. And there’s another technique where you see which side the nose is bleeding from, raise the opposite hand above the head and spread the fingers, that helps to stop the bleeding. Andrea should also take some of the sesame oil and rub it on her skin to help balance her Vata. And drinking some warm Vata tea would help, too. In about 15 or 20 minutes, Andrea would be ready to go back to work like nothing happened – wiser because she knows how to take care of herself.


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31 Dec

Fun in Phoenix!

Just got back from Phoenix – and what a fun trip! If you haven’t heard, I am now the relationship expert for mysweetconnection.com. This is a really cool website that is basically an extension of local TV station KTVK. It’s on the web, so anyone can access it, and it’s totally cool – but it you’re from Phoenix there are all kinds of added benefits, discounts, coupons, contests, etc. I flew in via Southwest from Burbank airport. Gotta love Burbank airport – it’s such an easy way to go. You valet park the car, and for an extra fee they’ll even have it washed for you by the time you get back. It’s a small airport so I didn’t have to walk far, which is great since I’m still having problems with my broken foot – it’s been 9 weeks, though, so I’m walking pretty well. Southwest is kind of a drag because you have to wait i line – I couldn’t sit down. There’s no assigned seating so everyone stakes out there ground when they get there so the best seat. But it’s an easy flight, just over an hour. Phoenix airport is HUGE! It’s beautiful, and new and clean and everything, but I had to hike to get from the terminal to the rental car shuttle, and then the shuttle drove us for about 10 minutes or so to the rental car place. I have a pretty terrible sense of direction, so having a map doesn’t seem to make much difference – I need a navigator – I need my husband Greg to tell me which way to go! It took me longer than it was supposed to but I found my way to the Hampton Inn Hotel, and it was great. Barely got checked in and I was out the door to go meet my fabulous webmaster, Brian, and his lovely wife, Lisa, for dinner. I’ve known Brian for over a year now, and I have to say, even though we have never met in person he’s got to be one of my best friends. I certainly “talk” with him more every day than I do anyone else! So it was great to finally connect and we probably could have gabbed all night – but I had to get back and start getting ready for the morning’s show. Got to the 3TV station at 7:30 for my 8:15 segment on “Break-Up Tips.” This is the theme for the site this week since the movie with Jennifer Aniston was coming out on Friday. I had my tips all ready to go, and everything was running smoothly. The mood was great around the studio because the Suns are in the playoffs and the team mascot, the Gorilla, came in to dance. All fun stuff. Then when I got to the set, there was breaking news. This happens quite frequently in the news business! Some guy was swarmed by bees and while running away fell off a cliff and a helicopter had to come rescue him. Very dramatic! Since this was a big story, and unexpected, my segment was much shorter than expected, but I still got the good information in, and a plug for the website, so I was happy. After the show I realized I had forgotten my earrings so I stopped at Target to pick some up. Is Target the best of what? They have everything! Not only that, it’s inexpensive! Picked up about 5 pairs, stopped at a deli for a tuna sandwich, then back to the hotel to watch The Young and The Restless before check out time. Then I went back to the station in the afternoon to shoot some promos for mysweetconnection. The Sweet Connection girls are all briliant and beautiful and are having a great time together with this whole project. And it shows! The press kit is darling. The commercials are clever. It’s all very branded, easy to navigate, and totally fun. I had a great time playing to the camera, then spent a little time working on a segment for the afternoon show which will air later in the month. Quick trip from the station to the airport and I was done. Hardly noticed the 106 degree heat… except when I was driving and the steering wheel was too hot to touch! I can’t wait to go back!


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31 Dec

The Today Show!

I feel like I’ve got the routine down now, I’ve been on the Today Show twice already! The show is live in New York, and I’m here in Southern California, so that means a flight across the country the day before in order to arrive on time. I like flying Jet Blue because they have a direct flight from Burbank airport to JFK and then I don’t have to deal with the hassle of LAX. I can drive my car and leave it overnight no problem. And Jet Blue has individual TVs for each seat so I can watch a movie or flip around channels the whole time if I want! It’s 5 hours in the air, so I bring some work, (not that I get much done, especially when I’m stuck in the middle seat!) and a few magazines. I also bring food, because Jet Blue has snacks, but no meals – it’s part of the way they say they keep the price down, although it didn’t seem all that much less expensive to me. Still, I bring my own meals anyway because I’m mostly vegan and airlines don’t get it. My Today Show producer, Jennifer Gentile, works out of their Chicago office. I haven’t met her in person, we just talk on the phone, and e-mail back and forth. She’s very smart and super talented, great to work with! And, like me, she works odd hours so it’s easy to get things accomplished in a hurry, which is what we need to do in TV all the time. Jen found me from this website – isn’t that cool? It’s a lot of time traveling, and a lot of time preparing, for what amounts to about 3 minutes or so of time on the air. But it is all worth it when the segment turns out great! The idea is to get a lot of good information jam-packed into a little amount of time, and make it fun and entertaining, too. Al Roker interviewed me both times and he’s really good about keeping it light. He’s the same great guy in person as he is on the air. I also had a chance to talk with Ann Curry. What a beauty – inside and out! I gave her my “What’s Your Dosha Baby?” book the first time I was there and she took the quiz and told me she’s a Vata. So we have that in common! Ann is currently on the cover of More magazine – a great article about her, and she told me she was really pleased with how it turned out. The Today Show set is outside for the summer while they remodel the new set before Meredith Vieira’s arrival in September. There’s a lot of energy with people all around – and you’d think it would be chaotic, but it’s not! It’s all such a finely tuned machine, everything clicks into place smoothly, everyone does their job and has a good time. I had a great time – and I hope to be back again and again!


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