When I was asked to write about the Millennial generation fashion sense, I first had to figure out what defines a Millennial ‚¬Â¦and if I were one? As I was doing my research I took this online survey that determines if you are a true Millennial or not. The big reveal is at the end of the post.
Millennials are typically born between 1977-2000, and make up for 25 % of the US population. 105 million Millennials are spending money on consumer products and, as a result, are setting the trends for one of our biggest industries, fashion. Last year, Millennials spent $200 billion, and with their influence over their parents (mostly Boomers) Millennials’ spending reached up to $500 billion a year. (Source: Millennial Marketing)
Rihanna is one of the most powerful Millennials of her generation. At the age of 25 and over 30 million twitter followers, Rihanna has a huge influence on fashion and what Millennials will be wearing. Boyfriend jeans are all the rave and haven’t stopped since they came out on the fashion scene a few years back. Rihanna, shown below in London, is rocking a pair of boyfriend jeans with a Stella McCartney top and heels. What would our Boomer parents think of our ripped jeans with a designer top and heels? I can speak to this personally ‚¬Â¦they think we don’t have enough money to fix our pants. My Dad has no idea why we want to wear ripped jeans. If Rihanna does it that makes it okay, right?

Boyfriend jeans worn a couple different ways by the most influential generation to date.

Another influential Millennial is our girl next door Country Pop Singer, Taylor Swift. Taylor is 24 years old and has over 29 million twitter followers. Her style is more preppy/chic with a slight 50 ‚¬Â²s girl influence. Back when our parents were growing up, stripes were considered part of a uniform, now it is a huge fashion trend. Taylor has a powerful platform to influence her fans, and when she wears stripes this equates to girls running to their local Gap or J Crew!

Millennial Girls showing us how to wear stripes!

Then there is Kristen Stewart. Kristen has single handedly brought back the casual look with a touch of grunge and made it look cool. Kristen also has made wearing sneakers with everything a fashion trend. Converse has seen a huge revival and people are wearing them with everything ‚¬Â¦no matter the occasion! Another fashion statement my Dad would bark at ‚¬Â¦Ha!

Millennial Models making the “casual” look, look sexy!

Tennis shoes with a platform? And with a skirt? So good ‚¬Â¦but Dad would be eye rolling.

Or the combination of all three: Striped blazer, Boyfriend jeans, and Converse. Wait, this sounds like a Squirrel Girl not a Millennial! 

Now my Millennial test reveal: I failed at being a Millennial by three points ‚¬Â¦.so I will sit happily in my Generation X category. Besides, I am in the company with one of our style Queens ‚¬Â¦Ms. Paltrow! GP never disappoints us with her red carpet looks or street style ease. Gwyneth is a style icon of all generations and has a twitter account of over 1.5 million followers ‚¬Â¦not bad for Gen X’er!