Your Planetary Spread |
Scroll down to learn the influence of each Animal Spirit. Click on the images to see larger versions. |
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Matters Concerning Your Home (The Moon) | |||
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Turtle Turtle carries his home on his back, and his question to you today is whether your life is weighed down with "things" that serve no purpose. Everyone loves buying stuff, but do you use shopping, spending, and the acquisition of "things" as a substitute for passion, conviction, commitment? It?s worth thinking about, isn't it?
Matters Concerning Business, Skills and Integrity (Mercury) | |||
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Blue Jay Blue Jay encourages you to be a little sassy today! If there's something you've been wanting, ask for it. If there's an issue that needs confrontation, don't sweep it under the rug or Blue Jay will drag it back out into the open. One word of caution, though - Blue Jays will eat the young of other birds - so be direct, but not destructive.
Matters Concerning Love (The Venus Influence) | |||
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Moose Moose represents incredible strength and longevity, as well as the ability to see the future. Moose antlers are among the largest of the antlered animals, and are like psychic antennae - giving Moose amazingly developed hearing, smell, and depth perception. Moose is bellowing at you to open your third eye and stop pretending that you don't know what's about to happen.
Matters Concerning Hostility, Opposition and Aggression (Mars) | |||
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Antelope Antelope medicine is one of right action. If you were to visit Northern Plains today, you would see groups of antelope scattered about the fields and hills. However they are so quiet and unmoving that (from a distance) they resemble stones. But, get too close and they move like lightening. Antelope asks you: are you being still when you should be moving, or moving when stillness is required?
Matters of Finance, Acquisition and Wealth (Jupiter) | |||
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Fox Fox medicine represents the ability to blend in. She can change colors to blend with the seasons - becoming almost invisible against a backdrop of snow or foliage. Fox also has an amazing sense of smell that enables her to sniff out dangerous situations. Be like a Fox - street smart and safety savvy - don't call attention to yourself as today is a day of watch and wait.
Matters of the Intellect (Saturn) | |||
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Raven Raven has long been known as the magical bird - the one who carries our messages and our prayers to spirit. Raven has been called a shape-shifter, and his message to you today is one of change - expect the unexpected, but know that Raven is flying close and will help you transform life's challenges into life's greatest blessings.
The Outcome | |||
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Dolphin Ever watched a school of dolphins playing with each other, or with the surfers in their midst? If you have, you'll understand the message Dolphin brings today - the message of joyful play. Dolphins are in total harmony with their environment, and practice love for each other - always helping the young, or a sick comrade. Join Dolphin's happy community today and celebrate how much we're all alike, instead of focusing on our differences.
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