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Your Medicine Wheel

Your Medicine Wheel
Your Medicine Wheel
This reading explores the energies present in your life in each area of the Medicine Wheel. Choose this spread when you need a greater understanding of the inner forces at work in your life today.
Scroll down to learn the influence of each Animal Spirit. Click on the images to see larger versions.
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Center: The animal spirit that appears in the center of the Medicine Wheel reflects who you are at this point in time.


Has Snake slithered into your world today? If so, you are being asked to undergo a major transformation. Are you willing to shed your old skin? Are you willing to let go of people, places, and things that no longer have a place in your life? Snake will help you make the grand transformation, then slide into a new life that's brimming with possibility.



North: The animal that appears in the North shows you how to walk your talk. Here lies your connection with your Higher Self.


Bear represents a time of reflection and stillness - a time of entering the inner cave of Self to contemplate life's challenges. Bear often appears during times of confusion and unrest - those unsettling moments when you turn to everyone you know for answers - everyone except yourself. Go within, ask the hard questions?then listen.



East: This animal reveals the direction you need to take in order to gain clarity about your present situation.


Wake up! Woodpecker is tired of trying to get your attention, and will peck and peck and peck until you hear the message. You have received the answer to a major question time and again, but refuse to act on it. It's okay to ignore a solution - but be forewarned that woodpecker will keep making racket until you make some movement forward!



South: This animal explores issues dealing with your inner child, and shows the energy needed to trust your own process.


Has turkey gobbled his way into your life today? If so he brings a message of sacrificing for the greater good. To some indigenous tribes, Turkey represents the spirit of the giveaway-a ceremony where those who have more give to those who have less, thus "sacrificing" for others. If Turkey helps you feel the spirit of giving, who can you help?



West: The animal that appears in the West holds the answer to your present challenge.


Wake up! Cardinal is chirping at you - bringing a message of personal power. Stop shrinking from your destiny. Stop pretending that you are less than. If you are unsure of your path, ask Cardinal to fly with you - it's certain he will help you focus, gain clarity, formulate a plan, become self-assured, and step out into the world with the confidence befitting a person of your power.



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