31 Dec

October comes

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

How can it be October 1st already?  This has been such a strange year.  It’s been one of those best of times, worst of times scenarios that I thought only Dickens could experience.  And now as the year is winding down, I’m winding up to put these lessons learned into something tangible.  Time moves on, growth continues, creativity bursts forth from even the cracks in the sidewalks.  This is something I’m compelled to do.  Autumn calls to nest, to get comfortable, to be warm.  But the inner urging forces me to be uncomfortable, to stretch, to move into that uncertainty, to test myself yet again.  Somehow this will be good for me, so I abandon any further thoughts of procrastination.  I am writing my new book!


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