Niyama is the second limb in Ashtanga Yoga. It means observances, and self-restraint. There are five inner practices we can follow to maintain moral principles:
-Samtosa is contentment. Be happy in the present moment. Know that everything you have, and everything you are is enough. Be satisfied and content.
-Tapas is a zest for life. Learn and grow every day, build strength and wisdom. Develop spiritual practices and be disciplined.
-Saucha is a purity of body and mind. Take care of yourself, body, mind and spirit, and also take care of your environment.
-Svadhyaya is self-referral. Practice contemplation and introspection. Get to know yourself so that you may then know others.
-Ishvara Pranidhana is devotion. Let go of the ego and embrace a higher source. Approach life with a sense of gratitude.