Selenite Cleansing Technique
This is a simple cleansing technique that Heather just learned on her trip to Kauai that you can do everyday in less then 30 seconds. All you need is a Selenite Crystal. You start by holding your Selenite Crystal in one hand at the top of your head and comb the crystal all the way down your body. Repeat this around your entire body until you feel the energy clear. This technique helps to clear, shield and protect your energy body. Once you are done, you will feel completely grounded, balance and protected with white light.
Selenite is one of the very few minerals that has the specific metaphysical properties to quickly unblock stagnant energy, removing all energy blockages. It shields you from outside influences as it evokes protection from the angelic realm and dispels all negative energy. Selenite also calms and brings deep peace and mental clarity. This crystal is a wonderful way to clear and recharge your jewelry and stones as well!
Purchase your Selenite Crystal here:
By Heather Askinosie