28 Oct

7 Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer

Valerie Martinez

Valerie Martinez

Valerie Martinez began her journey toward a “healthy way of life” over 20 years ago. As a mother of three, she became, by necessity, a master at understanding natural health and applying it in every day life. What she shares with you comes from real life experience. Her mission is to be your “wellness coach”, to cheer you on and inspire women of all ages to be architects of change in their own lives. "True health doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it’s the exact opposite: true health is simple. It’s the result of healthy choices that become healthy habits that lead to the “healthy way of life." -- Visit Valerie at WomensHealthMadeSimple.com today!
Valerie Martinez

We’d all love for there to be a magical pill we could take or a food that we could add to our diet that would — poof! — make our risk of cancer disappear. While that’s not available to us yet, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk and these 7 ways to prevent breast cancer can help.


Lose the Belly Fat

Decrease your risk of breast cancer and breast cancer recurrence by reducing your abdominal fat. Body fat boosts estrogen storage, so the heavier you are, the more circulating estrogen you’ll store and the more circulating harmful estrogen you’ll have. The good news is, you don’t have to be a size six to reduce your risk. Research shows that even moderate weight loss can lower breast cancer risk by 25 percent. Belly fat is especially dangerous, so flatten that tummy. The quickest way to get rid of a spare tire: portion control and reduced intake of stripped carbohydrates. Failing that, try resistance exercises, and in a distant third place, vigorous cardio (exercise) like jogging or speed-walking.

 Limit the Alcohol

If you want to diminish your risk of breast cancer, cut way back on the booze. Drinking alcohol, even moderately, can increase your cancer risk. Even as little as one drink per day seems to be associated with breast cancer, and the more you drink, the higher your risk. Three or more drinks per week boost the risk of breast cancer recurrence by 30 percent, and overweight and postmenopausal women may be particularly at risk. What matters most is the cumulative amount of alcohol you drink over a lifetime, so whether you have a glass of wine every night with dinner or a few cocktails on weekends, the effect is still the same. To keep your breast cancer risk low, limit your cocktails at one or two a week

 Eat Veggies, Especially From the Cruciferous Family

Just as there’s a strong association between emotions and cancer, there is also an established link between our eating habits and the disease. Red meat and fried foods are shown to heighten cancer risk. Sugar feeds inflammation and tumor growth. On the other hand, fruits and vegetables provide abundant antioxidants that help to neutralize free radicals. Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, kale, and cauliflower are especially beneficial because they contain components that support breast health by helping to balance hormones.

Bone Up on D3

Your pale complexion may confirm that you haven’t seen the sun in weeks or that, when you do, you’re covering up as you should. But lack of sunlight also keeps us from manufacturing vitamin D3 — and vitamin D3 is an essential nutrient that may help prevent breast cancer. Most of us are walking around with low vitamin D3 levels, in fact, less than one in ten Americans get the amount of vitamin D that studies suggest is optimal for breast health. The latest research shows that vitamin D is crucial for breast health. For breast cancer protection, research from America’s most prestigious medical schools suggest that optimal health requires 2000IU to 5000 IU of Vitamin D3 per day.

Butts Out

If you’re still smoking, it’s time to call it quits. Women who smoke have an increased risk of breast cancer — and the earlier you start, the higher the risk. A recent study found that women who maintained a pack-a-day habit for 30 years or more increased their risk by 28 percent. Light smokers who quit after fewer years had only a 6 percent greater risk — so quit now.

 Strategic Supplementation –Breast Health Formulas

While many foods are great sources of anti-cancer compounds, optimal vitamin D levels require supplementation. Every woman should consider adding a combination supplement formula designed to promote breast health to their daily routine. Key ingredients to look for include: Vitamin D3 in sufficient levels, as well as Calcium D-glucarate for detoxification and hormone balance, DIM for healthy estrogen metabolism, Green Tea extract for its polyphenols and Lycopene as an antioxidant with specific benefits for breast health.

Take Time to De-Stress

Though we don’t have a lot of research to prove it, stress, loneliness and other negative moods increase the risk of developing most cancers, so they may affect your odds of developing breast cancer, as well as your chances of surviving if you do get it. A stress-fueled lifestyle may be linked to more aggressive tumors, and women with a family history of breast cancer may be more easily frazzled by everyday stresses. Too much stress is clearly bad for you, and getting it under control will help.Studies recommend meditation, regular exercise, spending quality time with loved ones, engage in hobbies you love, and laughter — these are all potent stress reducers, so enjoy ’em daily.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this site is for information purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a physician or other health care professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult a healthcare professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

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